Kepler-22b - Pack A

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hello Everyone

We are pleased to say that our server is now updated to the Pack A from the FTB launcher

The server is a 24/7 whitelisted server and we are now taking white-list application through this thread.

You will be checked against a banned databases so when filling out the application please be truthful.

Server Rules

1: No Griefing
2: No Stealing items from other players
3: No offensive comments or harassment to fellow players and staff
4: Do not Spam the Chat
5: Do not use X-Ray
6: No Hack mods such as Fly Hacks
7: No asking for OP or Creative
8: No PVP unless arranged beforehand (i.e. friendly battle)
9: Do Not intentionally cause an explosion of any kind unless TNT mining

All rules above are bannable offenses

Server Application From Template

Minecraft Username: ....
Any known bans? ....
If so why were you banned? ....
Understand and Accept the Rules? ....
How did you find out about the server? ....

You may choose to apply direct at our site here >

We also have a 24/7 Team Speak server if you wish to use it

I recommend this server > Just started playing, NO lag, mods/admins like to have a joke about :D
Minecraft Username: DocJohnZoidberg
Any known bans? Nope, but I was muted once because the admin didnt like my sense of humor.
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yup, standard pve rules I do accept.
How did you find out about the server? Just browsing the forums.
hello im chris and your server looks cool :)
ign: ive_got_skill
any bans: once but that was because of personal issues (one of my exfriends server)
i found this server on here :)
ow yhea i like rules i think they keep stuff in line :) and i will obey them :) sorry that this bit was added on late :)
Minecraft Username: Dave_JK
Any known bans? None that I am aware of
If so why were you banned? ....
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes
How did you find out about the server? FTB Server Promotion Forums
Minecraft Username: NickD95
Any known bans? None that I know about
If so why were you banned? ....
Understand and Accept the Rules? YEs
How did you find out about the server? FTB Server Promotion Forums
Minecraft Username: Luigi799
Any known bans? No
If so why were you banned? N/A
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes
How did you find out about the server? The Forums
Minecraft Username:jordan9839
Any known bans?Nope not that i know of
If so why were you banned? -
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes
How did you find out about the server? FTB Forums
Minecraft Username: that_reptile_guy
Any known bans? yes
If so why were you banned? for messing around and pvping on a server with my brother and the admins didnt know we were just messing around so they banned me :P
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes of course
How did you find out about the server? The feed the beast forums
Minecraft Username: .... pianoman349
Any known bans? .... nope
If so why were you banned? .... N/A
Understand and Accept the Rules? .... yes i do
How did you find out about the server? .... by browsing the forums
Minecraft Username: HyosHi11
Any known bans? No
If so why were you banned? N/A
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes
How did you find out about the server? FTB Forums
Minecraft Username: grilledham7
Any known bans? No.
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes.
How did you find out about the server? FTB forums.
Minecraft Username: Cantankerous_Rex
Any known bans? None
If so why were you banned? Never been banned
Understand and Accept the Rules? Y
How did you find out about the server? FTB Forums
Minecraft Username: RockJB
Any known bans? Nope.
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes.
How did you find out about the server? Looking through the forums.

But I have a question: Is Gregtech fully enabled? The recipes in it are so hard...
Minecraft Username: .... Tankua
Any known bans? .... None
If so why were you banned? .... N/A
Understand and Accept the Rules? .... Yes
How did you find out about the server? .... Looking through the FTB forums
Minecraft Username: failueone
Any known bans? none
Understand and Accept the Rules? yes
How did you find out about the server? FTB forums
Minecraft Username: ToxicSoul9
Any known bans? Not as far a i know :)
If so why were you banned? No Bans :)
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes
How did you find out about the server? FTB Forums
Minecraft Username: Shablo5 (And my friends, Kreestie, Phasersonfun, Halltravis77 please)
Any known bans? None for me, and I am assuming none for either of them. We're all adults.
If so why were you banned? N/A
Understand and Accept the Rules? Yes
How did you find out about the server? The forum list.