IGN: zeo1996
Country: United States of America.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope~.
Experience with mods?: I've played a few mod packs but never got too in depth.
Will you use TS If we get one?:not likely.
Do you know someone on our server? no~
Any additional information?: I'm 16 and have played minecraft for about a year now. I enjoy to make...whatever I'm in the mood for at the time
Country: United States of America.
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Nope~.
Experience with mods?: I've played a few mod packs but never got too in depth.
Will you use TS If we get one?:not likely.

Do you know someone on our server? no~
Any additional information?: I'm 16 and have played minecraft for about a year now. I enjoy to make...whatever I'm in the mood for at the time