Everytime I execute /RESTART I end up instantly crashing the server. I find nothing in the logs, just the last lines shown in the console.
These are the lines I get:
So I've been trying to add this -Dfml.debugExit=true to my server startup arguemnts, but that only stops the server from starting up.
Yes, I've tried googling it, but it looks like none has answered this question before, or maybe Im completly blind.
All help much appriciated!
Thank you.
TL;DR. Where do I put -Dfml.debugExit=true?
These are the lines I get:
[17:21:24] [Server thread/INFO] [/]: Attempting to restart with ./start.sh
[17:21:24] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Java has been asked to exit (code 0) by cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.exitJava(FMLCommonHandler.java:635).
[17:21:24] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: If this was an unexpected exit, use -Dfml.debugExit=true as a JVM argument to find out where it was called
So I've been trying to add this -Dfml.debugExit=true to my server startup arguemnts, but that only stops the server from starting up.
Yes, I've tried googling it, but it looks like none has answered this question before, or maybe Im completly blind.
All help much appriciated!
Thank you.
TL;DR. Where do I put -Dfml.debugExit=true?