Just got a new graphics card.

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Liam O'Leary

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys so I just got a GTX 780 and I have a few questions. Firstly I've never had a very smooth running FTB minecraft, its always a bit choppy and I thought this would fix it. So I put the settings on max and I still got choppiness. When I turned render distance to normal it was still the same. I have 16 Gb of RAM and an i5 processor but I still think I should be able to run Minecraft smoothly. Any help?

steve g

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
try giving java more memory to play with. even tho you have 16gb ram, java reserves a fixed amount and you have to tell it how much to really use. in the launcher, look at the options tab and theres a control for how much ram to give java, try bumping it up to 4gigs, should help quite a bit. one thing i tried a while ago as well...is a ram drive. try setting up a 4 gig drive, dump all the ftb stuff into it and see if that speeds up things some.

other thing is try optifine, see if that helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check Activity Monitor(Mac)/ ctl-alt-delete performance monitor thing (Windows) and look at your cpu usage percentage; if its below 100% the problem is most likely RAM; make sure you've allocated more than the default 1gb from the settings tab on the launcher.

I'm pretty sure the graphics card will have a relatively minimal impact on performance, since Minecraft (and especially the mod code) is hardly optimized to take advantage of such hardware, and as such the cpu will likely be far more important for framerate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
try giving java more memory to play with. even tho you have 16gb ram, java reserves a fixed amount and you have to tell it how much to really use. in the launcher, look at the options tab and theres a control for how much ram to give java, try bumping it up to 4gigs, should help quite a bit. one thing i tried a while ago as well...is a ram drive. try setting up a 4 gig drive, dump all the ftb stuff into it and see if that speeds up things some.

other thing is try optifine, see if that helps.
First try the RAM allocation.
If that doesn't work, make a copy of your FTB folder then add Optifine. Due to reasons, Optifine and FTB are not exactly friendly and your world and FTB might be lost. If Optifine doesn't work, you'll be able to at least have your FTB folder.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Check Activity Monitor(Mac)/ ctl-alt-delete performance monitor thing (Windows) and look at your cpu usage percentage; if its below 100% the problem is most likely RAM; make sure you've allocated more than the default 1gb from the settings tab on the launcher.

I'm pretty sure the graphics card will have a relatively minimal impact on performance, since Minecraft (and especially the mod code) is hardly optimized to take advantage of such hardware, and as such the cpu will likely be far more important for framerate.
Since when do you want CPU usage at 100%?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since you have 16gb, try making a ramdisk and running mc off of that, I know when I get my killer ram setup (32/64gb) ill be running mc on that, if you have a ssd try partitioning a fragment of that and dump mc files into that!

Liam O'Leary

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I just got a huge uprgrade from a GTX 550 Ti to a GTX 780 and there isn't much of a difference! I have 16 Gb of RAM and I have a intel i5 processor. Why is there no big difference? I'm still getting a very glitchy FPS and its not smooth at all. But if I stay still it seems to improve. Help!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2013
Have you updated the drivers? Minecraft seems to be very CPU dependent, so it might be that the new graphics card doesn't help that much.

It might if they improve the graphics engine though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TBH my friend has GTX 550 Ti and he runs TPPI at over 200 FPS, so your graphics card probably wasn't the problem though. At least now you can run Far Cry at above 10 FPS.
I hope my friend reads that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft is not that much of a video memory prostitute, its more a CPU problem than anything else.. First of all, use parameters in java, there is a post in the forums somewhere with recommended parameters that will help a lot, also, BE SURE YOU ARE USING 64 BITS JAVA. I run minecraft with a GT 520 (Its a bitch around the Ge Force bitches, but for me, makes the job done (even in skyrim)) and 4 gigas of ram with a dual core 64 bits, and I dont encounter much problems.. So im sure you are doing something wrong somewhere down the line.. Some things to check:

Java 64 bits?
O.S. 64 bits?
Java process using more than 1 core?
Does your graphic card drivers support correctly OpenGL?
Do you have minecraft installed in a hard drive that has a quick format? (Anything but FAT16/32 should work.. If windows, ntfs if linux ext4)
Do you have your harddrive in good health? Check for fragmentation and for cluster errors, your OS should give you the tools needed.
Is your Power Supply enough for you video card and all the stuff? Running that machine with a 300 or 400 watts is a really bad idea.
Have you checked in your bios if you can overclock you cpu? (only do this if you have good ventilation, and never overclock it more than it can take without getting too hot)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you give java "too much" ram then it will lag your game when it runs garbage collection. the garbage collection has to scan ALL of the memory you gave java, so the more memory you give it, the longer the scan will take.

Set your texture pack to vanilla and try 3g WITHOUT optifine.

Another thing thats been suggested in other threads is to setup java to use your video driver. in some cases the default is NOT to use it. I tried that on my PC and got a little increase. See what happens on your PC


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It is definitely not a video card issue. I can run FTB Monster on a laptop using the built in Intel HD on the processor. I also only have 8gb of ram but I do use a SSD. The biggest obvious things are this. 64bit OS, and 64bit Java only. I only allocate 2gb ram to FTB and it's just fine. Eyamaz (follow his sig) has some Java arguments you can use but they are out of date, however I still find them useful as opposed to not using at as far as I have found. I also use MultiMC to run FTB. It seems to run it better than the launcher. The biggest thing for Minecraft is CPU and from my experience, HD more than RAM. Don't get me wrong, modded minecraft definitely needs more RAM than vanilla but only up to a certain point. Most PC's bought or built these days will at least have 8 if not 16/32. However the thing that is overlooked most is the HD. A regular 7200rpm drive will work but for a true performance boost, a SSD is amazing. If you don't have one or are looking at getting one, make sure to get the top tier ones that have the Reads AND Writes hitting 100k.

Other than hardware, going in and out of servers or single player sessions without restarting slows it down quite a bit as does long play sessions. If you are connecting to a server maybe its the server, but if its single player then maybe make sure you aren't running a lot of other things along with Minecraft. Are you recording/streaming? running 2 antivirus programs? does your system tray look like a buffet line of icons?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had a similar problem; my new laptop ran FTB with lower frames than my old, ancient desktop. Try enabling Advanced OpenGL in your options.