Just a small quick question

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm setting up and ender pouch to ender chest tool charging set up, and I'm using Ender IO to specify which tools can be extracted and inserted depending on the charge using the meta data number.

The problem I run into is my tools are basically already fully charged. Since I need to say only the tool that has no power can be extracted, is there a way other than just using the tool to extract the power from it? Or do I have to just use it and wait for it to run out?

Simple question I know, but I seriously can't think of anything RF wise I can use to extract the power.

Thank you for reading this, and look forward to the responses.
Also, if anyone would like to suggest a better on-the-go tool charging setup without flux capacitors or anything similar, please do. Open to suggestions and encourage them.

Once again, thank you and take care.