[Jampacked II] Flux Ward


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You were chosen to continue the work of Flux Ward, a force instated to protect the world from the reckless use of magic. The magical order didn't appreciate being stifled by the rule of law and cast a spell to banish all mundane beings including the wardens. Now you must survive the magically altered world and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.

This is a hardcore questing mode modpack featuring the mods listed below.
Apple Core
Applied Energistics
Biblio Craft
Big Reactors
Binnie's Mods
Biome Tweaker
Chicken Chunks
Chisel 2
Climate Control
Extra Utilities
Flaxbeard's Steam Power
Hardcore Questing Mode
Hunger Overhaul
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chest
Journey Map
Lycanite's Mobs
Magic Bees
Mine Tweaker 3
Mod Tweaker 2
Not Enough Items
NEI Addons
NEI Intergration
Nether Ores
Open Modular Turrets
Pam's Harvest Craft
Recurrent Complex
Simply Jetpacks
Special Mobs
Steve's Workshop
Storage Drawers
Thaumic Expansion
Thaumic Tinkerer
Theramal Dynamics
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Theramal Dynamics
Vein Miner
WAILA Harvestability
WAILA Plugins

Packcode: fluxward

The focus of this pack is to work your way through tiers of technology and magic while surviving the many perils of the world including dangerous and exotic monsters. Explore the shattered ruins of mage towers and malevolent temples.
You will need to tinker with steam power and magic until you can reach the nether in order to mine new metals and create steel for more advanced technology.

The pack includes customized biomes, world generation and custom built ruins.
Screenshots Gallery

Patch Notes
* Added vein miner functionality to mod tools.
* Greatly decreased the chance for nether ores to explode.
* Increased the chance for creepers to be standard rather than special.
* Copper and zinc can be found more frequently but only below sea level.
* Overhauled loot bags to make them generally more useful and adjusted their quality weights.
* Added and removed a few quests.
* Afrits will now only spawn in the nether to prevent them from annoying you constantly while smelting.
* Khalks no longer create pools of lava on death to reduce lag.
* Allowed Lycanite's jungle mobs to spawn in "spooky" biomes such as covered forest and plague wood.
* Changed spawn conditions of passive Lycanite mobs to allow them to spawn.
* Halved spriggan health and attack speed.
* Added alternate recipes for itemducts and fluiducts using zinc and copper but yields 2 less than using lead.
* Added alternate recipes for watering can and crescent hammer that use zinc.
* Changed tunnel bore and iron bore head recipes so they no longer require steel.
* Changed blast furnace recipe to require lead ingots, soul sand and magma cream for 8 blast furnace bricks.
* Changed runic alter recipes for hives to include all flowers.
* Hives from magic bees now require shimmerleaf or cinderpeal rather than mystical flowers.
* Removed spawn egg recipes as the passive Lycanite mobs can provide everything you need.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you :)

Regardless of what happens next its been a fun ride making a mod pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just wanted to say, I started playing this modpack and I haven't gotten much time with it but what I've done so far has been so much fun! Can't wait to keep playing it!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sometimes I get lag spikes when generating new chunks, only sometimes. I'm wondering if it's a certain type of thing being generated that is causing the lag?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New chunks are being populated with tweaked ore spawning, biome changes and structures from recurrent complex so they may be a bit laggy. At least there are no squid which makes the ocean a lot less laggy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New chunks are being populated with tweaked ore spawning, biome changes and structures from recurrent complex so they may be a bit laggy. At least there are no squid which makes the ocean a lot less laggy.
Ok, It's probably the structures.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I left a few of the default structures on like the ruined castles and walls but there are a lot of custom ones loading, especially the big redwood trees and glowing mushrooms. The bigger custom ruins aren't as common, especially the obsidian spire.