We are a small group that have been playing together for quite some time
We are a friendly group looking for mature players, prefer 18+ but exceptions may be made. Join us on espernet IRC in #jagcraft
Server Info :
1) All FTB Mods are enabled plus we have some custom configs for GregTech (old recipes) and CC Input 2 added. Other mods will be added as the community votes on them
2) SimpleMods is installed which includes many bukkit craft commands such as basic regions, /home, /spawn and many admin commands. Commands will be allowed on a per player basis and may be donator rewards.
3) 10 slots currently open, plan to expand in the future
4) Difficulty: Hard
5) Overworld may be wiped once FTB beta is over and RP2 is released. At the least mining ages will be reset.
6) Public mining ages available, individual ages upon approval.
Rules :
- No griefing, spamming, begging, whining, complaining, property destruction etc.
- Whitelisted players are expected to be active. Players can decide what 'moderate' means.
- Chunkloaders will be handed out by admins only, this will be on a player by player basis.
- No automated machines while you are logged off, please turn them off when not on.
Whitelist Application : (Applicants will be checked vs. a public ban list. Please use complete sentences and something resembling punctuation.)
PS - We are looking for builders with a great imagination to help flesh out spawn. I am personally a horrible builder. If you are interested in this, please post pictures of buildings and areas you have built in the past
We are a small group that have been playing together for quite some time

Server Info :
1) All FTB Mods are enabled plus we have some custom configs for GregTech (old recipes) and CC Input 2 added. Other mods will be added as the community votes on them
2) SimpleMods is installed which includes many bukkit craft commands such as basic regions, /home, /spawn and many admin commands. Commands will be allowed on a per player basis and may be donator rewards.
3) 10 slots currently open, plan to expand in the future
4) Difficulty: Hard
5) Overworld may be wiped once FTB beta is over and RP2 is released. At the least mining ages will be reset.
6) Public mining ages available, individual ages upon approval.
Rules :
- No griefing, spamming, begging, whining, complaining, property destruction etc.
- Whitelisted players are expected to be active. Players can decide what 'moderate' means.
- Chunkloaders will be handed out by admins only, this will be on a player by player basis.
- No automated machines while you are logged off, please turn them off when not on.
Whitelist Application : (Applicants will be checked vs. a public ban list. Please use complete sentences and something resembling punctuation.)
PS - We are looking for builders with a great imagination to help flesh out spawn. I am personally a horrible builder. If you are interested in this, please post pictures of buildings and areas you have built in the past

- IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) :
- What experience do you have with modded servers?
- Do you agree to the server rules?
- Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built)
- If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored.