JAG MC | FTB 1.4.2 Beta | Whitelist | Small, Friendly, PVE

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

We are a small group that have been playing together for quite some time :) We are a friendly group looking for mature players, prefer 18+ but exceptions may be made. Join us on espernet IRC in #jagcraft

Server Info :
1) All FTB Mods are enabled plus we have some custom configs for GregTech (old recipes) and CC Input 2 added. Other mods will be added as the community votes on them
2) SimpleMods is installed which includes many bukkit craft commands such as basic regions, /home, /spawn and many admin commands. Commands will be allowed on a per player basis and may be donator rewards.
3) 10 slots currently open, plan to expand in the future
4) Difficulty: Hard
5) Overworld may be wiped once FTB beta is over and RP2 is released. At the least mining ages will be reset.
6) Public mining ages available, individual ages upon approval.

Rules :
- No griefing, spamming, begging, whining, complaining, property destruction etc.
- Whitelisted players are expected to be active. Players can decide what 'moderate' means.
- Chunkloaders will be handed out by admins only, this will be on a player by player basis.
- No automated machines while you are logged off, please turn them off when not on.

Whitelist Application : (Applicants will be checked vs. a public ban list. Please use complete sentences and something resembling punctuation.)

PS - We are looking for builders with a great imagination to help flesh out spawn. I am personally a horrible builder. If you are interested in this, please post pictures of buildings and areas you have built in the past :)
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) :
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers?
  3. Do you agree to the server rules?
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built)
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored.
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : BrianAwesome100/16 (mature don't worry)/East coast USA
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers?: Ive joined 4 and have run 2, all of them either got broken, or ran out of funds (Both of mine did) My best mods are IC2, forestry, BC, some coding for turtles and my best/favorite is RP2
  3. Do you agree to the server rules? Always
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built) Not really, but as far as mods go I'm your man
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored. Never
  1. NoneSuch / 22 / US - CST
  2. I ran one a couple months ago, but school bogged me down. I've really been looking for a tight-knit FTB server since it released, but I honestly haven't had any luck. The one server I managed to join shut down after 3 days. But I do know a decent bit about the more basic mods. IC2, BC, RP2. I've only dabbled in GregTech, Mystcraft, and some of the other "newer" ones in the modpack.
  3. Of course. Every system will have an on/off switch, no chunkloaders, be civil, and be active
  4. I can always give it a shot. I'm not known for my builds though.
  5. Never been banned.
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : Unyieldingvenom / 23 / UK
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers? I ran one with a friend a while ago and I have also played on many modded servers ranging from tekkit to custom modded servers.
  3. Do you agree to the server rules? Yes
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built) I would quite enjoy becoming a builder, this is the only picture I have from quite a while ago:
  5. Have you been banned before: Nope
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : Fireblade55 ; 16 ; NYC
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers? Only types of modded servers I have ever joined were Tekkit servers. I joined a bunch of them, and most of them were just moderated poorly.
  3. Do you agree to the server rules? Of course. ;)
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built) No, I'm not fully interested in becoming a builder, I like living in underground huge caves and such.
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored. I've been banned from around three servers because I have proven moderators/owners wrong, and they can't take it so they ban me as they lack the ability to understand that they aren't always right. Oh, and I've been falsely banned from some Vanilla Minecraft PVP servers, because I supposedly have "x-ray" or "forcefield" or "Nodus." (Sorry for two sentences, just wanted to be clear here. :l)
  1. juiceball (mind the lowercase j) / 17 / Australia
  2. been playing modded minecraft for 5 years, most knowledge in IC2 (and plugins), Buildcraft (and plugins) and RP2
  3. Yes
  4. I would love to give it a shot but i have not been a proper builder before
  5. Never.
  1. IGN tbagger98
  2. AGE 35
  3. General Location Texas:
  4. What experience do you have with modded servers? I was playing on a my buddies server and he isn't able to maintain it and I am currently looking to join a new group of people.
  5. Do you agree to the server rules? I am a humble tinker and just want to play and have interaction with people.
  6. Are you interested in becoming a builder? I like to build homes that fit the needs of the mods to be used. I like to be well organized in my layouts and try not to over complicate things.
  7. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored. Never been banned as I have only played on 1 sever.
IGN: DH_Holy

AGE: 25

General Location (optional) : Alabama

What experience do you have with modded servers? I have done a lot with single player

Do you agree to the server rules? Yes! Rules are there for a reason.

Are you interested in becoming a builder? Yes, here is a link to the server tour. I built 75% of the main city.

If you have been banned before? No
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : I'm 13 living in Central USA and my IGN is Salarindo
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers? Yes
  3. Do you agree to the server rules? Yes they are good and fair
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built) Yes I would like to become a builder if I could. I have a few pictures of my work. Even if you don't like them trust me on one thing, I'm a good builder and I would like to be one
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored. I haven't been banned before
Also please don't reject me because of my age. I'm mature and I've been looking forever for a FTB whitelisted server to accept me.

  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : kenkenchia 15 Singapore
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers? I hae played SSP for a while and on a few FTB servers but they became very crowded
  3. Do you agree to the server rules? yes
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? I prefer to build complicated machines as I am very familiar with buildcraft and forestry but I am not very good at building large structures.
  5. If you have been banned before: no
  1. hogzfan/ 32/ Arkansas
  2. I have never been on a server before. So that would be zero exp.
  3. Yes. I understand there will be rules on any server i attempt to play on and I agree to abide by them.
  4. I would like to build, but like you I am not some great builder. I am an engineer, not an architect, so my builds are generally blocky, but structurally sound.
  5. I have never been banned before, mainly because of my answer to #2.
  1. iantheartist/ 33/ Alaska
  2. I started with ftb when it was released. I have no other mod experience besides that.
  3. Yes I understand and will abide by any rules.
  4. I have built large structures in vanilla minecraft. Once I become more proficient at the mods, I would be interested in doing large builds again.
  5. I have never been banned before.
  1. IGN: Orcius
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes
  3. Have you been banned before?: Never
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: /
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I love Feed The Beast, I have seen all Direwolf20's video's; so I know how the game works
  6. Im 17 years old
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) :Kaifas_ 14 (15 in 5 days) Lithuania
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers?i been playing a few modded servers and on most of them i would get everything possible and just quit but i got bored of it
  3. Do you agree to the server rules?Yes
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built) sorry but im bad with building nicely im more of the techinician guy
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored. im pretty sure i never got banned bescasue i never grief i dont see the point of destroying other hard work
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : doomsdoor 20 Texas
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers? I do have experience.
  3. Do you agree to the server rules? Yes.
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built) I like building technical stuff more then pretty stuff.
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored. I have not been banned before.
IGN / Catfather12/35/Ohio :
Exp: ive been on one vanilla (4 months) and two tekkit servers and have a basic-average knowledge of all FTB mods except rail craft/Steve's carts.
Rules: absolutely agree.
Builder: my building is like old people making out: awkward and not pretty, but gets the job done--so, no.
Banned: never
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : My ingamename is xXGelirXx, I' living in Germany and i'm 17 years old.
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers?: I played on a private modded Server (Tekkit) with 3 friends.
  3. Do you agree to the server rules?: Yes I accept the rules.
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built): Yes maybe. The last "large" project:
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored: Never got baned on a Server.
Thank you for reading and I'm sorry for my bad english.;)
  1. IGN / AGE (required) / General Location (optional) : brail, 25, -5gmt Florida
  2. What experience do you have with modded servers? Very little. Only played very seriously on one server, was with them for about 2 years. We were almost 100% vanilla, shut down recently, and then I found out about and fell in love with FTB
  3. Do you agree to the server rules? Yessir
  4. Are you interested in becoming a builder? (Post pictures of what you have built) Possibly.
    a video of me showing off my place towards the end of my last server.
  5. If you have been banned before; Please explain why you were banned, one sentence replies and "my little brother did it" will be ignored. Have never been banned. Was actually an admin on my previous server, and would be glad to help with it on this one if you ever need it.
Question for you! Do you have, I think its called html enabled, for computercraft? Allows downloading of programs from pastebin for computercraft computers and turtles. Extremely helpful for me since I dont actually know how to write programs myself.