Private Pack J.A.M. Server | J.A.M. (Early Beta) | Whitelist | 1.7.10

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The server is J.A.M. (Just Another Modpack). It is a private pack created by me and I really am looking for some players to test it out. The server is no up yet. I'm posting this thread to see if there is an interest in the modpack.

Let's get to what you want to hear about and that is the mods! First I have a variety of mods in the pack including tech. magic, exploration, and aesthetic mods. There are over 100 mods installed so far and there are many that haven't been released yet that I really want to add.

Also there will be NO PLUGINS!!
List of mods:

  • IGN:
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?:
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future:
I'm interested :)
  • IGN: xEtnies
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: AE2
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 4 years
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: not at the moment.
  • IGN: DerpPlz
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: Everything, just the fact it adds SO much stuff to do. I especially love mixing magic and tech.
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Minecraft Since Beta. Modded Minecraft since early tekkit days.
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: Not at the moment
  • IGN: Hipsterschlampe
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: It just adds so much to one of my favourite games
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since some beta version of minecraft
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: Thaumcraft is a must for me and maybe Mekanism would fit nicely
Well 3 replies in less than 24 hours that's pretty good. I will start looking into a server host tonight. Also mods here are a list of mods that are on the list to add when they are updated or a stable version is released:
Open blocks
  • IGN: TasteDis
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: Everything - the magic, the tech stuff and the building stuff, it's all so damn amazing.
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since Nov 23, 2010
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: Perhaps Veinminer? It's pretty OP, but I like it :p Also Unique Artifacts is a nice mod. Magical Crops is nearly a must? when it updates to 1.7.10, a BETA were to be released this weekend, the modder says.
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  • IGN: Tarzan1376
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: New stuff and getting better stuff and making more seeing my creations and becoming the best with all the stuff
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since 2012 christmas.
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: Dartcraft, Big Reactors, VeinMiner, Magical Crops, thats about it those are the only mods I would suggest for this modpack.
Thanks so much for the support and suggestions. Also keep checking this thread for updates about the server. I would really like to start a skype chat and add some of you for input on the mod pack. Also I hope to have a test server up and running Saturday or Sunday running 1.1.0 version. Also I'm very against op mods such as magic crops and vienminer sorry.
  • IGN: Sros1995
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: IC2 AE2
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 2years
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: GregTech thats alout it
  • IGN: 88VoidMiner88
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: the fact that it is continuously expanding and great mods are being made all the time
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since minecraft 1.4.7 (around 2 years)
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: Progressive automation, Flaxbeards Steam Power Mod, Electrical Age, and Steve's workshop, and AM2 when its released
  • IGN: frogger35
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: All the crazy inventions you can make, the slightly OPness of the packs, the ability to have endless fun constantly creating things you cannot make in vanilla
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: for about 2-3 years or more.
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: Veinminer with severally tweaked configs, EnderIO, Gregtech. The reason for these being veinminer is a mod that allows quick excavation of large areas so you don't spend endless time mining and mining and mining (some people like this, I for sure do not :p). EnderIO because it adds some amazing blocks sucks as the conduits and power generation.
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  • IGN: Trollin4dayz
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: I absolutely love Minecraft, but it can get boring. The mods add a little spice to the game and make it enjoyable just as it was when I played Minecraft for the first time. I love the tech and magic aspects of the mods.
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Around 3 years.
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: Ars Magica 2, Thaumcraft
  • IGN:soccerboyred
  • What interests you about modded Minecraft?: Being that you can do anything you want do to its flexible nature
  • How long have you been playing Minecraft?: About 3 years
  • Any suggestions for mods to be added to the pack in the future: I agree on adding thaumcraft 4