Item detection in cargo managers

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got a system with a cart unloading to and getting loaded from a cargo manager, and I want to keep some coal and tracks inside there at all times. Besides reworking my system to use a completely different stocking method, is there any easy way for me to get a redstone signal out of the cargo manager when it has 64 of tracks or coal?

I apoligize in advance for bad english
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is your existing stocking method?
Also which mod pack are you using? I know of one mod that isn't computercraft that could fairly easily be added onto any system. Its translocators by the way; combined with a chest or ME interface you could set it so that you can regulate your cargo manager quite easily. Its not in every pack though as far as I remember.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im using DW20 pack, which includes translocators. And I am pretty sure it cant read from the external distributor what the cargo manager has in its inventory. The problem is that I need the external distributor so I get the items into the right inventory slot of the cargo manager


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, logistics pipes could read what was in each slot of the cargo manager using the external distributor. I didn't suggest logistics pipes because that may require you to completely rework your stocking system, but you can always try it. In the meantime, try translocators - I would be surprised if it couldn't interface with the distributor which is more like an inventory proxy than a sorting pipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just tested it in a 1.6 world and it works. Make sure you are putting a diamond nugget on the cargo manager side and use that translocators GUI to tell it how much coal and tracks to leave in the cargo manager. It will pull out everything else leaving the tracks and coal. It works the other way too. The diamond nugget goes on the translocator whose inventory you are regulating. Assuming the external distributor is set up right and it works in the version of translocators your pack is using (again I would still be surprised if it didn't work in any version) you should be able to get it to work. If you are still having problems and you still want help it would be good if you could provide screenshots and more information about your system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Normally when you right click on a translocator you get a GUI where you can specify a filter so that only certain items go through the translocator. If you right click with a diamond nugget on a translocator you will see a light blue ring in the middle of it appear. This allows you to set amounts of items to maintain in the inventory the translocator is attached to. For example, you have two chests connected by a pair of translocators. The left chest is full of cobble, the right one empty. You put a diamond nugget on the right chest's translocator and set in the GUI to regulate 64 cobble. When you click with an empty hand the translocators so that items start to flow from left to right, the left chest will stop giving cobble to the right one when the right chest has 64 cobble in it. As soon as you take that cobble out of the right chest, the left chest will start giving it cobble again.

Imagine the same set up I just described expect you put the diamond nugget on the left chest. Set the left translocator to regulate 64 cobble. Then it will keep giving the right chest cobble until it has <= 64 cobble in its inventory.
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