It would be nice to have a FTB power standard

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Across all of the mods. Something for a willing developer to think about. I think IC2 implements power the best and I would suggest this as the standard. Much like forestry's electrical engine a device(or separate devices) could be made for all of the different mods to allow their machines to run on the standard's power. But unlike the electrical engine I would suggest that it operate more like a transformer, drawing only the power necessary instead of having to constantly run.

Edit: Redpower seems to have a better system with their bluetricity so maybe this would be a better standard. Some higher tier storage would be appreciated though.
IC2 is a horrible base for a centralized or universal power standard. It has far too many sources of free energy, and its scale shoots up far higher than the other mod energy networks, making converting from it an overpowered nightmare. Likewise, converting TO it is a pain because it's hard to make it useful without overshadowing a lot of IC2's own methods for generating power.
What's wrong with free energy? (even discounting the fact that the machines to gather said energy are not in fact free) Green power is the future maaaaannn lol. I said that because they implement energy storage and transfer the best. Much like actual electricity.
I haven't gotten a chance to play with redpower, you may be correct. That was a lot of actuals btw.
redpower 3 has a compatibility bit that is being worked on, the first bit being blulectric engines.
Yeah reading up on bluetricity right now. The concept is awesome, seems they haven't implemented it fully yet though.[DOUBLEPOST=1356136086][/DOUBLEPOST]I'd like to change my answer to bluepower for the standard when they finish up.
Really? Looks pretty darn well implemented to me, of course, it is being updated.
What's wrong with free energy? (even discounting the fact that the machines to gather said energy are not in fact free) Green power is the future maaaaannn lol. I said that because they implement energy storage and transfer the best. Much like actual electricity.

Bah, I got sniped by maintenance, so my post comes a little delayed. Anyway, here's what I was trying to say 15 minutes ago :p

MFINN23, free energy can be bad because it can (and in IC2's case, very often does) break server balance and economies. Once you have enough solars set up, you don't even need to go into the forest to chop down a tree, you just make wood out of UU-Matter because it's easier than walking a few steps. Creating systems that spit out 1 UU-Matter per 2-3 seconds while consuming zero fuel is among the easier things you can do in IC2. And by the way, getting enough solars set up is not hard, because you can make solars out of UU-Matter too. I know a couple of people who have never even touched nuclear reactors, one of IC2's coolest features by far, because they're all "lol why should I, this one HV solar array here generates more than any safe reactor you can build, and I have 80 of them, and they make enough UU-Matter to make a new one every 15 minutes". It has a tendency to make people lazy, closed-minded and prone to boredom after they're done setting up the same thing they set up on every server and then don't know what to do with themselves and the infinite resources they're churning out. It's basically the same thing that was broken about Equivalent Exchange, just in a slightly less ridiculously scaling manner. Instead of one day it might take you four to get there, but once you're there it works just the same. This is also the very reason GregTech exists (though you can, and many in fact do, argue about the methods GregTech employs).

Also, IC2's energy network is nothing at all like real electricity, and doesn't attempt to be, either. If you want to look at a close (but still not exact) representation of real electricity, look at Redpower's blutricity. Eloraam took a few small liberties in simplifying the model here and there so that it wouldn't eat server tickrate for breakfast, but it's still a good approximation. Also, from what I saw glancing over Universal Electricity's mod environment, they seem to be going for a simulation of the real thing as well. But as I haven't actually played with it, I can't comment on how it works. Note to self: load up the UE modpack sometime.

And finally, note that FTB doesn't have anything to do with the content of the mods. FTB is just a launcher, a community and some config files right now (though in the future they will be building challenge maps as well). The team you want to direct your request to is the Forge team, because Forge is the thing that allows all these different mods to work together in the first place. Forge has already standardized some things - most recently they lifted Buildcraft's liquid simulation out of Buildcraft and made it a Forge core component, so now every mod can easily work with liquids from all other mods and can also easily add liquids of its own that all other mods will be able to work with.
Well, redpower 2 pre release 6.

Anyhow, the best part about Feed The Beast is that it does NOT have a power standard. We are forced to get creative and build projects to get what we need and to get all of our different mods to work together! Besides, I would have more fun building a system that uses Blutricity from wind turbines to power some farms so I can refine that into biofuel to use as IC2 power, even though it isn't that practical.
I recognize the argument in reference to server play, but I've always seen that as a problem for server admins. I'm more of a free market guy anyways, don't feel right forcing people to do things a certain way.
IC2 provides three different sources of maintenance free environmental power, two of which are ridiculously cheap to produce and two of which (not the same two) can be easily stacked up to provide several hundred EU per tic. More sources of free energy and more free energy from those sources than any other energy network. At least Forestry requires product management for its free energy, far more investment, setup, and engineering involved. If you hook it up with some sort of conversion that allows it to put all that power to use and isn't VERY lossy, and you'll have every machine you need powered at all times absurdly early in the game. You won't even be using the IC2 machines because the other mods' machines are more effective, you'll just abuse the insanely favorable conversion... because any favorable conversion from EU is insane. Thermal Expansion machines use 4 MJ/t. 4th tier Solar Panels can output 512 EU/t. How do you convert that?

The different major power networks all follow different scales and are balanced around different design philosophies. Trying to reconcile those different philosophies without completely negating a third or more of the tech trees is... unlikely, at best.
Well, redpower 2 pre release 6.

Anyhow, the best part about Feed The Beast is that it does NOT have a power standard. We are forced to get creative and build projects to get what we need and to get all of our different mods to work together! Besides, I would have more fun building a system that uses Blutricity from wind turbines to power some farms so I can refine that into biofuel to use as IC2 power, even though it isn't that practical.

Agreed! The variety of different power networks we can make is one of my fave things about FTB. If there was a standard, I'd miss the option of different power generation.
Agreed! The variety of different power networks we can make is one of my fave things about FTB. If there was a standard, I'd miss the option of different power generation.
The purpose of my suggestion is to give you the option of a standard, not take away your ability to run different networks.
I think that the IC energy system is fine in implementation. It is easy to understand and easy to centralize. The issue is not with the system itself, but with with the advanced solar panels add on, a "mod-mod" that was not created by the same people that create and maintain IC itself. The deal with solar power IRL is that it has an outrageous start up cost and the power density is poor, but it will pay for itself if you are willing to take the long term view. The top tier solar panels produce more power than a nuclear reactor, and still makes tons of power even at night. That's not technology, that's magic!

I've found that the normal solar panels, the ones actually included in the IC2 package, work fine. They are expensive and only offer a small amount of energy relief, which is proper for the concept. My own personal solution is to simply refrain from using things that I feel negatively impact my enjoyment of the game.
It would take away the point to run different networks as whichever one is made the "core" power network would of course have the most favorable conversions and thus make the other two (or more) networks obsolete. Right now there ARE conversion methods (except to Blutricity and Blutricity to EU) but they are made lossy for a reason. I really can't stress enough that non-lossy conversions would more than likely throw the balance of one or more tech trees completely out of whack and cause rampant obsolescence.

If you want a universal power network in your single player game, no one's stopping you from throwing in the power converters mod, but there's no sense in throwing off server economies severely and trivializing half the mods in the pack for one or a few people's whims.
The problem with the normal solar panels is that if you make large flowers, the packets can lag peoples games, thus first HV solars were made, and then advanced solars were made to balance that.
Whelp looking at direwolfs new video on eloraams blog seems they are on their way of fully implementing bluetricity so I'll happily change my suggestion to redpower. Oh and I completely agree Remaker.