Is there any way to change file save locations?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been trying to get the"FTBBETA", "FTB launcher log", and "Minecraft log" files to be saved elsewhere on my computer. Currently they are only being saved to my downloads folder which I completely wipe regularly. When I move the files they just re-download, in my downloads folder again. The large amount of text documents that randomly appear (Haven't bothered to check what they are yet, but it looks like error logs?) are also filling the folder which is really unnecessary. All I want is to have these files in a different folder so I can be organized.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Make a folder and put it somewhere. In the launcher, go to options then change the file location. This is telling the launcher where to save the files. If you have saves you want to keep you will have to copy the file over to the new location, otherwise there are no problems.