Is there a pipe faster than the basic logistic?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I ran into a problem I am running 3 quarry plus right now. I have my AE and Logistic inter twined together. And my over flow chest is not filling up but my intake ender chest is its almost filling to the max and it has 2 times already. I have eff V on all 3 quarrys I am running unbreakking 3 and fortune 3 soo... Is there a way around this I thought about just make 3 separate ender chest ordeals but I realized it has to be the system not keeping up. Yes I am running extractor 3 cards on my ender chest to pull them from the quarry. Would the quick sort module fix this issue?.
Thanks guys I know I ask questions a lot but thats why the forum is here.
Some pictures of your setup would be nice, but (I am just guessing here) could you add more extraction pipes?
Some pictures of your setup would be nice, but (I am just guessing here) could you add more extraction pipes?
Idk I feel it is clogging on the logistic idk though.
Gonna go with my gut feeling and say... Pretty Sure Force Pipes will be faster. DartCraft to the rescue!
Plus one can upgrade them with all kinds of cool powers. Crafting... Uh. Not a lot other then that, actually. IIRC one could void things with one as well, or convert items from one type to another ore dictionary version.
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Gonna go with my gut feeling and say... Pretty Sure Force Pipes will be faster. DartCraft to the rescue!
Plus one can upgrade them with all kinds of cool powers. Crafting... Uh. Not a lot other then that, actually. IIRC one could void things with one as well, or convert items from one type to another ore dictionary version.
ya no dart craft on this world :( well if stuff starts to fly out the chest ill just make another AE setup and have two or them and link the deep storages I have together.
ya no dart craft on this world :( well if stuff starts to fly out the chest ill just make another AE setup and have two or them and link the deep storages I have together.
You on a server? If not, add it and retrogen, problem solved.
You on a server? If not, add it and retrogen, problem solved.
I've never done a retrogen before I will just deal with it for now. :) But thanks for replying.
Maybe I will just go full AE and not have them mixed.
And no I am on me and a friends server.
Either importbus on the chests to take stacks or barrels next to the enderchests to take cobble, dirt and sand and let the other things go to your storage.

Or several piples on the chest. You know that the chest have 6 sides :)
you can filter out the cobble/dirt/netherrack on the quarry side, that will eliminate most of the materials you need to extract

or just slow the quarries down, having 3 quarries with eff5 is overkill

you can use tesseracts to do the transport, just let it input into an interface at your base (bypassing the LP system)
I've never done a retrogen before I will just deal with it for now. :) But thanks for replying.
Maybe I will just go full AE and not have them mixed.
And no I am on me and a friends server.
Ah, well. Retrogen is quite painless now, except one usually has to set a config setting to do so.
Speed upgrades on the pipe helps a bunch, also make sure you're using gold pipes. The Extractor MK3 cards will be able to keep up it's just the pipe not accepting enough items. Dump 16 or so speed upgrades on the chassis pipe and it'll keep up
I am unaware of Logistics Pipes having any speed upgrades.

Also, the Mk3 Extractor is the fastest extraction method I know, and if you use only golden pipes the rest of the system should be able to keep up with things.

If the Mk3 Extractor can't keep up, try using several of them, but consider connecting them to several LP systems. One possibility is to route cobblestone to a Deep Storage Unit on a separate line. That should take a lot of strain off the system.

If you want to go *really* all out, use transvector interfaces to connect more than six Mk3 extractors, but I have yet to see a system that would require that.

BTW, the quick sort module is too slow. Quite a bit too slow, actually.
They're called ''Item Speed Upgrades'' and are installed onto a pipe by simply right clicking...
Well yes, but that only affects how fast items move through the pipes, which isn't usually an issue with golden pipes, or LP in general, as long as every item has a destination. Not even DW20's "UberMiner" required those.
An extractor MKIII can input more into a golden pipe then it can handle, the only way to solve this is to increase the speed of the items in the pipe, faster items=more throughput... It's clearly an issue here and Dire's UberMiner has got nothing on 3 Quarry Pluses with Efficiency V
Hmm. I'll take your word for it. I haven't mined with three enchanted QuarryPluses, it's just that the amount of traffic in my old LP network made me think the pipes themselves can handle anything. Also, I've been running four Efficiency-IV-enchanted RoC boring machines in parallel powered with 2 MW each and its...I think it was 100 blocks per second... didn't cause any problems with the transport system. The bottleneck has always been processing.
you can put more than one ME import buss on an ender chest.

how i manage on servers were i do massive intake into the ME network is i have 3 ender chest at the receiving end and about 12 import buss attached to them all. there is nothing that can suck up. had 12 quarries running
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you can put more than one ME import buss on an ender chest.

how i manage on servers were i do massive intake into the ME network is i have 3 ender chest at the receiving end and about 12 import buss attached to them all. there is nothing that can suck up. had 12 quarries running
I like this idea, and also I have tons of DSUs so thats not the issue I am gonna try the gold pipes as well everyone ill let ya know how it goes by the end of the day. Cause I wanna end up running like 6 256x256 quarrys plus in different ages.
you can put more than one ME import buss on an ender chest.

how i manage on servers were i do massive intake into the ME network is i have 3 ender chest at the receiving end and about 12 import buss attached to them all. there is nothing that can suck up. had 12 quarries running
Why not just stick multiple extracting pipes/bus on the same chest? I prefer slower gradual mining due to my really long lifetime of my worlds(would drown in resources if I ran any high powered mining), but usually go for the enderchest with 3-4 Import bus in stack mode. Never had any problems despite running enchanted quarry+(not max power, but pretty decent speed) in addition to other random stuff through the same enderchest, AND using it to manually dump large quantities of for example cobble into the ME network.