Is the official FTB Challenge map still in development, or is it dead?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm curious - there's been a lot of effort on mod compatibility and interoperability, and on the launcher too. Now with the news that FTB is going to be a business that's pretty cool. However, I don't think I've heard anyone even hint at a new version of the challenge map.

I've played with FTB ever since the beginning, when Feed the Beast was just the name of a skyblock challenge map with heavy inspiration from Complete the Monument-style maps. However, the last time the official challenge map was released was for 1.2.5. There has been the more recent PAX Challenge map which was a nice appetizer but sadly the main course is still to come.

There's been a few attempts at FTB skyblock challenges, like Goreae's version ( that works out very well. However there's nothing quite on the level of the 1.2.5 map at all.

I don't want to know when the release date is, or even if it's being developed for 1.4.7 or 1.5.2 or even 1.6. I'm just curious if there's still plans to release a new one eventually, or if it's been permanently shelved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have heard talk about the challenge map. The best place to get up to date info is on slowpoke's stream


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Slowpoke was testing stuff in his stream a few days ago. Unless it died really quickly, I say it's still happening. I think he was testing in unleashed. If I remember correctly unleashed was designed to be update to 1.6.

I love the maps they made, but there's nothing keeping the community from making great maps.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I love the maps they made, but there's nothing keeping the community from making great maps.

I thoroughly appreciate the sentiment of this post--and look, we even have a section for them right here!

What? No, of course this isn't a semi-blatant suggestion that we could use more well-done community-made maps![/SuspiciouslySpecificDenial]