I'm curious - there's been a lot of effort on mod compatibility and interoperability, and on the launcher too. Now with the news that FTB is going to be a business that's pretty cool. However, I don't think I've heard anyone even hint at a new version of the challenge map.
I've played with FTB ever since the beginning, when Feed the Beast was just the name of a skyblock challenge map with heavy inspiration from Complete the Monument-style maps. However, the last time the official challenge map was released was for 1.2.5. There has been the more recent PAX Challenge map which was a nice appetizer but sadly the main course is still to come.
There's been a few attempts at FTB skyblock challenges, like Goreae's version (http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/beta-skyblock-unleashed-faithful-update-8-8-13.19310/) that works out very well. However there's nothing quite on the level of the 1.2.5 map at all.
I don't want to know when the release date is, or even if it's being developed for 1.4.7 or 1.5.2 or even 1.6. I'm just curious if there's still plans to release a new one eventually, or if it's been permanently shelved.
I've played with FTB ever since the beginning, when Feed the Beast was just the name of a skyblock challenge map with heavy inspiration from Complete the Monument-style maps. However, the last time the official challenge map was released was for 1.2.5. There has been the more recent PAX Challenge map which was a nice appetizer but sadly the main course is still to come.
There's been a few attempts at FTB skyblock challenges, like Goreae's version (http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/beta-skyblock-unleashed-faithful-update-8-8-13.19310/) that works out very well. However there's nothing quite on the level of the 1.2.5 map at all.
I don't want to know when the release date is, or even if it's being developed for 1.4.7 or 1.5.2 or even 1.6. I'm just curious if there's still plans to release a new one eventually, or if it's been permanently shelved.