Invar ingots? What?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I logged onto my DW20 server and I was going to set upon making a magmatic engine, until I looked at the recipe and now they require Invar ingots? And as far as I can tell from google, this ingot is in Gregtech. Does DW use Gregtech now or what?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Invar Blend in TE is made by combing 2 Pulverized Iron and 1 Pulverized Ferrous Metal, which you get 10% of the time that you Pulverize your Iron Ore. This produces 3 Invar Blends.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How come the last month I've been playing it's always been tin ingots? I know how to get the blend, easy enough to look up, I'm asking WHY this happened? And is there any way I can set it back to normal tin?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's been a planned change for some time to make the magmatic engine more of a mid-tier choice than the first and last engine you'll ever need.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure the biofuel engine is the last engine anyone would ever need, lol... though I suppose the magmatic is midtier with how much power it puts out. Welp, good thing we have as many as we do now in our base.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah. Biogas Engines only put out 5mj a tick. I'd need 14 just to fully power one quarry through a tesseract. I anticipate at least two full-size high pressure steam boilers to meet my power needs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quarries only take 45mj of power... you only need 9 biogas engines to fully power one. What does a tesseract have to do with this at all?

Never mind, how do I fix it so magmatics only take tin to make? Or is there no option now?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quarries only take 45mj of power... you only need 9 biogas engines to fully power one. What does a tesseract have to do with this at all?

Never mind, how do I fix it so magmatics only take tin to make? Or is there no option now?
I don't think there's an option. You'll have to get yourself some pulverized ferrous metal.
The tesseract really isn't relevant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quarries only take 45mj of power... you only need 9 biogas engines to fully power one. What does a tesseract have to do with this at all?
Just thought I was having a conversation on a discussion forum. Wacky, I know. Tesseracts lose 25% of their power.

Never mind, how do I fix it so magmatics only take tin to make? Or is there no option now?
There is no config option to make this happen. The only option would be cheaty admin powers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh god I didn't realize a tesseract was an item... I feel like a retard. Sorry Heff.

I just looked tesseracts up, so they're basically kind of like the teleport pipes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A tesseract is a new item from thermal expansion. It is basically like a teleport pipe. There are 3 versions: Item, Liquid, and Energy. You would need 2 of them to be of any use. You set the frequency of them and they will transport whatever they are attuned to around through pipes. Currently there is a 25% energy loss from transporting energy anywhere.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh god I didn't realize a tesseract was an item... I feel like a retard. Sorry Heff.

I just looked tesseracts up, so they're basically kind of like the teleport pipes?
Kind of. They are much more complicated to craft, the power tesseract has a 25% power loss built-in (configurable), and they interface with RP2 Tubes, BC Pipes, and I believe will output to inventories next to them in receive mode. They work across the dimensions, too, which I'm not sure Teleport Pipes ever did.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man 25% is a lot. Better or worse than using Redstone Energy conduits to power things? Though I guess if you could power stuff a long distance it'd eliminate the need for the piping... so it's kind of balanced then I suppose.

Also is molten Ender from putting ender pearls into a magma crucible?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Redstone Energy conduits have 5% loss over any distance. Obviously using piping is more efficient energy wise but if you want to transfer energy/items/liquids long distances or across dimensions then using a tesseract is the way to go.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All energy tranposrt methods have some energy loss, the point was he feeds the quarry through a tesseract so he doesn't have to keep moving energy cells around. For a normal sized quarry it's not a big deal, but for a max sized quarry that takes tons of energy to finish its job the tesseract has the advantage of being more easily done than an automated REC refill system.

Anyway, there is also ferrous ore that you can mine closer to the bottom layers. Do note that ferrous dust/ore = nickel when compraed with Gregtech, so anything that would give you nickle as a byproduct can also be used for invar. I think the whole point of this change was to make it slightly harder to mass produce magmatic engines simply because it was relatively easy to make a large amount of them and not have to worry so much about MJ. Heck, outside of running stuff constantly and running quarries and the like even 2 engines can produce enough power for simple stuff such as pulverizing and smelting.

My take is e's making lava a slightly less valuable fuel source so people branch out and try other engines, though I don't see why unless there really are people that just stacked magmatics and never touched the boilers from RC2 since those are basically engines on steroids.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My take is e's making lava a slightly less valuable fuel source so people branch out and try other engines, though I don't see why unless there really are people that just stacked magmatics and never touched the boilers from RC2 since those are basically engines on steroids.

I'm fairly certain that many, many people are subsisting almost entirely on lava these days. I believe it is because the last few power systems that Direwolf20 built were all lava, and many other LP'ers have done the same.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah... we have a 3.1 milllion buckets in an iron tank and a 5.7 million buckets, I think, Iron Tank full of lava for energy coming from the nether. But we also have a quarry going that mines 64x64 areas, so we have no problem with resources. I'm planning on making another one soon too. I've never even heard of boilers, they looked quite complicated so I stayed away which is what I'm sure everyone who watches DW20's and other let's plays too. I suppose I could look into a steam boiler if they provide THAT much energy...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm fairly certain that many, many people are subsisting almost entirely on lava these days. I believe it is because the last few power systems that Direwolf20 built were all lava, and many other LP'ers have done the same.
I think they are all moving on to biomass/biofuel at this point. Personally I am going with BC Fuel. A 36HP Boiler needs less then 12 buckets of fuel every hour once fully heated (around 230 buckets to fully heat up), and I have no issue looking for a few extra oil wells now and again. I like the energy density in fuel. Aside from IC2 geothermals early on or centrifuging it I don't see the appeal for lava at this point.

Yeah... we have a 3.1 milllion buckets in an iron tank and a 5.7 million buckets, I think, Iron Tank full of lava for energy coming from the nether. But we also have a quarry going that mines 64x64 areas, so we have no problem with resources. I'm planning on making another one soon too. I've never even heard of boilers, they looked quite complicated so I stayed away which is what I'm sure everyone who watches DW20's and other let's plays too. I suppose I could look into a steam boiler if they provide THAT much energy...
A fully heated 36 block high pressure boiler can supply you with 144 MJ/t from 18 industrial steam engines (8 MJ/t each). The only downside to a boiler is that is has a long heat up time where it uses a lot more fuel and requires constant fuel to keep it at max heat at all times because if you stop feeding it you will have to reheat it going through the inefficient heat-up phase again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One max-size high-pressure steam boiler can output up to 144 mj per tick. The steam can also be used to produce EU with a turbine. Boilers are like the Nuclear Reactors of BC power. They are complicated and resource-intensive, but extremely powerful and oh-so-pretty once they are running.