OS: Debian 7 64bit / 3.2.57-3 Kernal
Server: Colocated Server
FTB Ver: Monster 1.1.1
Mods Added: Blood Magic, ThaumicTinkererKAMI_j6
Server Specs: Dual L5520, 32GB Ram, 240GB SSD, Minecraft installed to 8GB Ramdisk (For Testing I have moved the server to the SSD for now)
Problem: Getting an insane rate of spawns of both friendly and hostile NPC's on a Fresh Server so much so that several of my friends disconnect instantly with Buffer Overflow and Socket Errors.
I have attached a couple pictures to show the problem in one of them I am spaming /cofh killall and they respawn faster then I can kill them.
Any help would be appreciated.
Server: Colocated Server
FTB Ver: Monster 1.1.1
Mods Added: Blood Magic, ThaumicTinkererKAMI_j6
Server Specs: Dual L5520, 32GB Ram, 240GB SSD, Minecraft installed to 8GB Ramdisk (For Testing I have moved the server to the SSD for now)
Problem: Getting an insane rate of spawns of both friendly and hostile NPC's on a Fresh Server so much so that several of my friends disconnect instantly with Buffer Overflow and Socket Errors.
I have attached a couple pictures to show the problem in one of them I am spaming /cofh killall and they respawn faster then I can kill them.
Any help would be appreciated.