Infusion altar pedestal setups

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Please post pics of your infusion altar, I'd like to see how you've arranged your pedestals. I'm trying to do an infusion and the map in the book requires items in spots I don't have pedestals and the item location won't be symmetrical so I'm a little confused on how I should proceed.

I'm wanting to do the wand focus telekinesis

Mines 2 on each side of the altar, if the recipe calls for an odd number of ingredients and you can't balance it then don't panic it'll work fine
Please post pics of your infusion altar, I'd like to see how you've arranged your pedestals. I'm trying to do an infusion and the map in the book requires items in spots I don't have pedestals and the item location won't be symmetrical so I'm a little confused on how I should proceed.

I'm wanting to do the wand focus telekinesis

Say what? You don't have pedestals but want to do infusion? Son, I am disappoint.
Oh wait, I misunderstood what you meant. You want to do infusion but the book has things placed where you don't already have pedestals. Well, here's a secret for you; the book isn't perfect. It only has as many pedestals as you actually need for the infusion you are looking at. If you can't get it perfect, then the clever thing to do is add hoppers to the pedestals filled with what you need for that task. Or any way to input a item to it, but hoppers are vanilla, so it can work great.
Just keep that in mind, and never think you have enough of any resource you need unless you have WAY more then enough. If you need 8 praecantio, assume that 64 will suffice, as an example.
ahh yeah that's what was confusing me, just when doing some infusions I take damage so figure I didn't have enough of the skulls/candles down, so I spent this evening going kinda nuts and adding more above and below haha.
So I guess when I actually infuse the focus I'll let you know if I exploded the room xD
Well I rearranged the pedestals again to a circular-ish position and I didn't take any damage or anything, it went without a hitch YAY :D (maybe the absolute overdo on the candles and skulls helped too lol)
For pedestal arrangements, radial symmetry is key. It's always more stable to have an empty pedestal opposite a full pedestal than no pedestal. I usually do a pedestal 2 blocks away in the cardinal directions and one pedestal at each corner of the central structure-those 8 are enough for pretty much everything in basic Thaumcraft.

The items don't have to be in the same pattern as the book shows them. Use this to optimise and make sure that wherever possible, an item on one pedestal is counterbalanced by an item on the opposite pedestal.

Although, looking at that setup of yours, it probably doesn't matter too much. Some of what you have is outside the detection radius for stabilising artifacts, but there's still a hell of a lot inside.
I show off my current infusion altar setup in the first 20 seconds of this video. I'm pretty happy with it.

The blue blocks are Blue Topaz blocks from Ars Magica 2. No idea what they're holding though
A mod called symcalc, its the tool, I added it to see if i could figure out what was wrong with the altar, so far the only blocks that are out of reach I think are the ones in the corners with candles, the rest are all in range and change the symmetry values when altered. I got the number up to 143 from 50 odd haha.
yeah blue topaz blocks :)