IGN: Allwin
Skype: I have a skype, and I'll be willing you to PM you when necessary.
Age: 20
Where do you live?: Australia, but please don't let that affect my white-listing, I'm on at very different times throughout the week as I work for myself in app developement.
Timezone: AEST (+10)
How long have you been playing mods?: I've owned 2 different servers, including an FTB server. I always have great ideas that I would love to share. I've been playing Minecraft since Alpha and have seen the game change greatly in that time, and have been playing FTB for about 2 years on and off now.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I've played Tekkit and FTB (FTB is much better

) and I've been building for a few Vanilla servers but I'm getting pretty bored of the same old which is what peaked my interest to come play on a new FTB server, and with the release of FTB Infinity I don't think I could've picked a better time. I'm really just looking for an active server with a good community that's welcoming and warm and then being able to offer that back to new and current members.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'll be as honest as I can; I tend to be quite meticulous and picky when it comes to building/layout but because of that I like to think that my builds will last for a long time once they are finished and hopefully 'wow' some people when they see them. I tend to stick to my own little group, but will always lend a helping hand to those who need it and am always scoping out chat to see if anyone needs advice. I'm pretty tough when it comes to my opinion but I'm always fair.
What are you good at?: Loooove the IC2 and pretty keen to get back into Thaum/Beeeeees!
Have you ever been banned?: No, I've never been banned for any server.
Anything else?: I have a couple of friends that would love to play as well if I get whitelisted, so I'll get them to mention that in their post as well.
Thanks very much for your consideration!

I'm looking forward to playing on this server! I hope I get white-listed *fingers crossed*