Whitelist Server InfinityCraft|FTB Infinity 1.2.0|Whitelist|24/7 DEDI|14GB.

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Skype:dont use
Where do you live? (Country):Portugal
How long have you been playing mods?:2/3 years
Why do you want to play on the server?:Looking for a fresh server with mature players for a fun times.
What are you like? Calm and dedicated, like to finish what i start.
What are you good at?:Tech mods, and in irl playing guitar.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? No.
Anything else?: I have 1 or 2 friends that might want to play with me, hope we can play together. :P
IGN (minecraft username): kicker05
Skype (pref): I preffer typing.
Age: 15
Where do you live? (Country): Ontario Canada
Timezone: EST
How long have you been playing mods?: Since mid beta's.
Why do you want to play on the server?: I'm looking for a vinnella server on the Infinity pack.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Calm, and analytically thinking, values the truth.
What are you good at?: In terms of the technology behind the mods, I'm just short of decent.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): I believe I have once been a long time ago for a bad attempt at griefing. (I don't think it was worth it.)
Anything else?: I'm also a student pilot.
IGN (minecraft username): greenking13
Skype (pref): greenking1996
Age: 18
Where do you live? (Country): aMURica. (America, but I thought it would be fun to write it as how some people stress the syllables.)
Timezone: CST (Central)
How long have you been playing mods?: Uhh... Since June-ish of last year. (Not a pro, more of a newb tbh.)
Why do you want to play on the server?:
A. White-list. I kind of stopped playing servers after a faction mate griefed me. I wanted to try out a white list server this time around.
B. After reviewing the servers open for Infinity, I like how your's sounds.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Hmm... RL or IG? RL, lazy(ish). IG, random. I am pretty relaxed, and am usually helpful. Smart (Or so I'm told). I like jokes, and pranks. Just not the pranks that involve massive TNT. The only time I'm rude is when I believe someone is wrong. (Usually either resulting in an apology from me. This mostly happens in math/science fields of convo.)
What are you good at?: I can minecraftz? As long as there is no magic mods, I am pretty good. I would like to say I'm pretty good at tech mods, but... so much has changed since the last time I've played a few of these mods, so I may be rusty.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope. Well... does being banned (temp) for disliking the color purple count? (It was a small van server a few people from another server started, the creator of the server and I was discussing something, and that happened.)
Anything else?: I don't have the greatest of computers, and I wanted to ask if you had installed fastcraft on the server? Plus, my schedule is somewhat random, I'm a senior in HS atm.

If you need anything more, you can just pm me or whatever.
Have a great day,
IGN: PlatinumCage
Skype: amodernmyth5
Age: 17
Where do you live?: United States, NC
Timezone: Eastern US Standard Time
How long have you been playing mods?: A year, maybe two, I can't remember when I first played a modpack, but I can remember it was FTB Unleashed.
Why do you want to play on the server?: Looking for a small fun community to enjoy the infinity experience.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'm a nice respectful fella.
What are you good at?: I'm good with pretty much the main FTB stuff like tinkers, thermal expansion, ae, ic2, that kind of stuff.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Yes, a few years back for griefing an admin's base cause he killed me, I remember it cause I rarely get banned.
Anything else?: I can speak 3 languages fluently, I can juggle, and I have long girly hair :D
IGN (minecraft username): Sharkerino
Skype (pref): andreiii544
Age: 16
Where do you live? (Country): Romania
EU UMT+2:00
How long have you been playing mods?: 1 Years +
Why do you want to play on the server?: New community, new people, lots of mods, my friend is aleardy there so.. ? LOTS OF FUN.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Fair guy.
What are you good at?: AE2, ThaumCraft, Loads moar.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Nope. No bans. i don't really play that much so i can get banned.
Anything else?: Nope.
IGN (minecraft username):weras57
Skype (pref):weras57
Where do you live? (Country):Lithuania
How long have you been playing mods?:Before the tekkit was a thing
Why do you want to play on the server?:New people, lots of mods, and for fun.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):Not very funny guy, normal dude?
What are you good at?:
IC2, Making really not complex things
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):
Anything else?:I think that it is.
IGN (minecraft username):VexTech22
Skype (pref):fatul.floryn
Where do you live? (Country):Romania
Timezone: GMT + 2:00
How long have you been playing mods?: 2 years and a half
Why do you want to play on the server?:To have funn
What are you like? (Personality-wise):To crash the server with funky locomotion :)))) Just kidding
What are you good at?:At all :D
Have you ever been banned? If so why?:Yes one time.I was on a server admin and asked something about server. And after we had a fight on some arguments.And then me and my a friend we started to fight with admin and we get bann. But in the other 5600 hours played on different servers I have no problem not at all
Anything else?: Nop
IGN (minecraft username): DanielKoh
Skype (pref):fell.ree
Where do you live? (Country):Romania
Timezone:GMT + 2:00
How long have you been playing mods?:1 years and a half
Why do you want to play on the server?:To have funn with my friend
What are you like? (Personality-wise):Many
What are you good at?:IC2 , AE2 , TE
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):Yes I was fighting with an MOD , because one player was laggin the server and i was complaining to every admin about him.
Anything else?:Nothing.
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IGN (minecraft username): MouseTraP404
Skype (pref): MouseTraP404
Age: 15
Where do you live? (Country): India
Timezone: IST
How long have you been playing mods?: SInce 1.4.7
Why do you want to play on the server?: Because I haven't played mods since a long time and i really liked this modpack and i absolutely love playing on a server with a friendly community.
What are you like? (Personality-wise): Friendly, Funny(I think), Helpful
What are you good at?: Tinkers
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes):Nope
Anything else?: Hello :D
IGN (minecraft username): CsX_Daniel
Skype (pref): dannyx4csx
Where do you live? (Country): Romania
Timezone: GMT + 2:00
How long have you been playing mods?: almost 2 years
Why do you want to play on the server?: To have fun with my friends, build amazing stuff.
What are you like? (Personality-wise):Helpful, friendly
What are you good at?: 80% of mods.
Have you ever been banned? If so why? (Be honest, you won't be denied just for saying yes): Yes, played on a server with bad admins.
Anything else?: Nope.
IGN: Allwin

Skype: I have a skype, and I'll be willing you to PM you when necessary.

Age: 20

Where do you live?: Australia, but please don't let that affect my white-listing, I'm on at very different times throughout the week as I work for myself in app developement.

Timezone: AEST (+10)

How long have you been playing mods?: I've owned 2 different servers, including an FTB server. I always have great ideas that I would love to share. I've been playing Minecraft since Alpha and have seen the game change greatly in that time, and have been playing FTB for about 2 years on and off now.

Why do you want to play on the server?: I've played Tekkit and FTB (FTB is much better :P) and I've been building for a few Vanilla servers but I'm getting pretty bored of the same old which is what peaked my interest to come play on a new FTB server, and with the release of FTB Infinity I don't think I could've picked a better time. I'm really just looking for an active server with a good community that's welcoming and warm and then being able to offer that back to new and current members.

What are you like? (Personality-wise): I'll be as honest as I can; I tend to be quite meticulous and picky when it comes to building/layout but because of that I like to think that my builds will last for a long time once they are finished and hopefully 'wow' some people when they see them. I tend to stick to my own little group, but will always lend a helping hand to those who need it and am always scoping out chat to see if anyone needs advice. I'm pretty tough when it comes to my opinion but I'm always fair.

What are you good at?: Loooove the IC2 and pretty keen to get back into Thaum/Beeeeees! :D

Have you ever been banned?: No, I've never been banned for any server.

Anything else?: I have a couple of friends that would love to play as well if I get whitelisted, so I'll get them to mention that in their post as well.

Thanks very much for your consideration! :) I'm looking forward to playing on this server! I hope I get white-listed *fingers crossed*