Infinity Server "Can't keep up" - enough hardware

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Active Member
May 7, 2016
Hey guys!

First of all: I love what you did there, FTB are really cool modpacks, me and my friends worked our way from mod to mod until we finally made an infinity server on which we play over Hamachi.

So here some answer from questions I looked up:

  • What OS are you running?
- Windows 7 Professional x64
  • Are you using minecraft hosting provider or a dedicated/local server not designed for minecraft?
I am using the Server I downloaded from the FTB-Pack in the FTB Client
  • What version of FTB are you using? (Dont just say latest tell us the version)
"FTBLaunch starting up (version 1.4.11 Build: 10411)"
  • Did you add any mods to the server pack?
Who would add more to Infinity? o.o No I didn't.
  • What are your server specs?
So the Server is running over Hamachi, it is locally on my PC and is using 2 GB of RAM (I think, I can't remember if I changed the settings somwhere, so this is what the task manager tells me). I also have an i7-2600 with 3,4 GHz. The RAM on my PC is new, but I had that problem earlier too.
  • A good detailed paragraph about the problem

As you can see the Server keeps spamming those warning and the lags when playing are unbearable. The world is pretty new, there are no automatic machines or similar things, also no fluids or farms that are placed on purpose somwhere. Me and my friends also just play in Survival Mode and we keep staying at the same spot, so there is nothing to load. Like I said the world is pretty knew (I would make a wild guess that we actively played 4 hours on it).
We played Direwolf before and it was the same issue - but after half an hour the server always seemed to get the curve and act normally.
Any suggestion what I could change? I really don't know where this comes from there is no visible reason. Does the Server maybe need even more RAM? I hope you guys can help me.




FTB Infinity is a very intensive pack in itself.

Just because it's not utilizing all of your CPU/RAM doesn't mean it should run fine.

Your Hard drive storage could be important for disk writing speed as infinity requires the loading and accessing of many files and code at the same time. Usually recommended an SSD to run a modded server or some form of RAID configuration.

Also as a further tip Windows isn't the best platform for hosting servers in general and in personal experience performance and reliability seems much better when hosting from a Linux based operating system.

You are must better off finding a hosting company in this instance. A minimum of 4gb of ram with a good CPU and SSD. I'd recommend 6gb on the RAM side if possible.

Hope this helps


Active Member
May 7, 2016
Hey Johnnyc,

I figured it out too. It is the hard drive as you said. The server is running on an external SSD connected with USB3 to the PC, but this SSD is really really slow, I noticed that games on it are stuttering as soon as I do something else on it.
So what I did was moving the whole folder to my new HDD, it works wonderful now without any lags!

I don't want to use a hosting company, I mean I just play for fun and don't plan on making the server accessible with an open IP, the main reason for that is that I have no clue about making it safe to play and greef-protected and stuff like that. I also don't want to have to control everything and Infinity gives a lot of stuff with which you can fuck up a world. Atm there are just 3 people playing, including me and I totally trust them^^

Maybe someday when I have time to play administrator and know which tools I need to protect the server as best as possible from cheater, griefer and similar.

Thx a lot!



Glad I could Help Tician,

Give me a shout if you need any more help. I can definatley get you in the right direction for good server tools for protecting you against cheats/hacks and griefers.
