Whitelist Server Infinity 1.2.1 ★ Whitelist ★ No Banned Items ★ AM2 + Adv. gen ★

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, I am Ross, an owner of a small but powerful FTB Infinity server looking for new players
I always wanted to be part of a perfect community, one that doesn't have immature kids or griefers.
--This is a test to check that people actually read this, please put your favourite block as Grout below.--
Unfortunately, I have never found a server that achieves that, So I decided to have a go at patrolling my own.

The server is 3GB but can be upgraded if needed.
We are looking for no more then 30 members :)

We respect people's need and will greatly consider any mod suggestions, adding to that,
our server also requires:

to run.

As in any server, hacking will not be tolerated.

The server does NOT have any plugins as voted by the majority of players.

We want the server to be community driven, so please feel free to add your own creations, shops etc to spawn.

We also want the server to be as friendly as possible so please:
  • Don't be annoying!
I cant stress that enough, if you are a person who likes to show off how much better they are and are racist on top we will not see you as a good member.

If you are interested, please complete the form below and we will reply VIA SKYPE with an IP if you are accepted.
[Age: Because we want to create a mature community, we are looking for people older than around 14, however if you can convince us that you are mature enough then that is fine]

(We wont accept everyone so make the application as best as possible)

Why do you want to join?
How often will you log on?
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to):
Favourite Block:
14 (freshman in highschool)
Looking for a nice small community to join
Most likely every day that I'm able to which varies with my college class and highschool work.
Grout :)

Sidenote: My age MAY put you off and if it does please don't let it. I'm more mature than mot kids my age. I've been mistaken for 21 before and even if you don't believe me just don't let that really affect your judgement. If you are ware at least give me a trial period and if you don't like me then well I guess that sucks for me *shrugs* :)
Name: Mark
IGN: MZiemo
Age: 45
Why do you want to join? I too have looked high and low for a server with mature, intelligent and courteous members who prefer positive interaction over being a dick.
How often will you log on? Most likely daily as I'm disabled right now with a hell of a lot of free time.
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): Squibnut
Favourite Block: I just love me some grout!
Why do you want to join?
I was searching of this kind of server for ages and i really like infinity pack :)
How often will you log on?
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to):
Favourite Block:grout! Duh!
Name: Kris
Ign: FrontierGuy
Age: 16
Why do u want to join?: I want a fun active reliable server with nice people to keep my minecrafting interesting. Playing single player can become boring.
How often will you log on:
I will be on around 5-7 days a week. I love modded minecraft and I will be active.
Skype: will pm
Favourite Block: limestone (chiseled variations)
Name: Jed
IGN: GySgtXerxes
Age: 24
Why do you want to join? I am looking for a small and relatively new server to get back into playing Modded MC. Up until recently I have not played MC more then a few times a month and I am hoping to get back into playing regularily. I find that this is best done with other people to simply talk with, bounce ideas off and joke around with. I also find that its much more fun to start playing on a server that doesn't have many players that have made it to the higher tiers of the mods, as this allows for some friendly competition and I find that it makes everyone play to the best of their abilities.
How often will you log on? I intend to log on Daily, but I will be on the longest on Mon, Wed, Sat, and Sun. Probably for 3-4 hours.
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): jholman90
Favourite Block: Grout because its the gateway to my favorite multiblock, The Smeltery.
Name: Fern
IGN: fern1609
Age: 21
Why do you want to join? I love playing modded Minecraft but get really bored playing it by myself so would like to play with decent, mature people and hopefully make some good friends :)
How often will you log on? Hopefully every few days but depends on time of year...
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): fernnn1609
Favourite Block: Grout!
Name: Theo
IGN: tubsy79
Age: 13
Why do you want to join? I want to find a small modded server with no one constantly bugging me for items and help and asking to live with me and then stabbing me in the back and the list goes on.
How often will you log on? Quite often, about every day
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): Theodore imeson
Favourite Block: Melon

Oh yeah and is the server hosted in the UK or around central Europe? Otherwise I'm gonna have a bad time and get really bad connection.
Server is dead, stop replying. Owner didn't put through and he didn't give out an ip after adding us on Skype. As well as i'm not even sure he downloaded a server file. Either way, stop trying. Owner isn't trying so why should you.