Immersive Steam Powered Rails

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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Yeah, I've been trying to fix that. I think I've finally got it now, with my new setup, where I record my voice separately so I can boost it. Part of it is keeping the volume on the mic down so I don't get all the constant background chatter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I've been trying to fix that. I think I've finally got it now, with my new setup, where I record my voice separately so I can boost it. Part of it is keeping the volume on the mic down so I don't get all the constant background chatter.

I take all Minecraft sound down to 25% except for hostile mobs which I leave at 50% so I can still hear them sneaking up on me. That helps a great deal, IMHO...But I still sometimes forget when I am starting up a new pack and I haven't yet configured it. Then the music drowns me out hard. Adjusting your mike to the highest input value (sensitivity) it will accept without distortion is also a good idea.