Open IE ingots wont store in RS storage blocks



Summary of the problem IE ingots wont store in RS storage blocks

Pack Version 3.0.5

What is the bug? I'm currently transferring resources from drawers to Refined Storage 64k storage blocks. All resources transfer correctly except the Immersive Engineering ingots unless there is nowhere else to go.

In this instance instead of going into the filtered storage block with priority 100, the ingots will go into the storage drives with priority 0.

Setting up a new RS system with only a storage block (with the same filter and settings) and a grid, the ingots go into the storage block as expected. Transferring the block with the contents to the main RS system and adding more ingots to the system still goes to the drives instead of the block. Contents are visible to the system however and can be taken out normally, but they will not go back in without forcing them.

All combinations of filters have been tested including ore dictionary. As said, every other resource in the pack stores without issue, and repurposing blocks intended for IE ingots for other resources works perfectly.

Mod & Version ImmersiveEngineering-0.10-54

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? -Connect a high priority Refined Storage storage block to the network
-Filter it for an Immersive Engineering ingot type
-Add another storage option such as a drive with lower priority
-Insert IE ingots into the RS system
-Ingots go to drive instead of the storage block

Known Fix Export to a different RS network to force them into the storage block.


most of the extreme reactors mod doesnt seem to show up in RS it was working before the last patch