Ideas for scrap?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
recently i made myself a matter fabricator, but it needs an amplifier to make the UU, normally i'd use cobble for scrap, but GT hardmode makes the config in IC2 for no cobble to scrap default. currently i'm using fishers to make fish to make scrap, but I can never get the exact rate down to make an equilibrium. so i'm wondering if any of you know something else i could use.

EDIT: i am also low on space so things like tree farms are out of the question
Does stone work? In recent versions of thermal expansion stone in the igneous extruder doesn't need lava, only water. If you aren't on that version then probably just feed cobble into a furnace.

EDIT: If not, how about pulverizing it into sand or even smelting that into glass. I'm just making random suggestions here, no idea if they'll be useful to you.

EDIT2: Also look here, there are a few other things that work as amplifiers.
Does stone work? In recent versions of thermal expansion stone in the igneous extruder doesn't need lava, only water. If you aren't on that version then probably just feed cobble into a furnace.

EDIT: If not, how about pulverizing it into sand or even smelting that into glass. I'm just making random suggestions here, no idea if they'll be useful to you.
no it does not
EDIT: nor does glass or sand
Set up a MultiFarm and start the reeds.
Or Netherwarts in a desert.
I hear they grow like Weeds!
I'd recommend NetherWart. I had a small 3x7 plot, golem managed. In a short time I've got 8 stacks, more then I'd ever need (DW20 pack).

How about Sandstone? Would that work?
EDIT: i am also low on space so things like tree farms are out of the question


Ultimate Wood Chopper - Turtle Program ... kinda small foot print too.

BUT if you don't want to do that for some reason.

1 Piece of dirt. 1 flax seed. Some automated method to plant, use sulfur goo, then harvest and repeat. Use the excess seeds and string for scrap. To get unlimited sulfur goo, make a room 3x3 with a bunch of torches. At the bottom some obsidian pipes to harvest the goo and send to your automated process. I'd probably use a turtle for it. And as for how tall to make the sulfur torch room, hell, 150 tall would probably produce 2-3 goo a second guessing. Taller if you need faster. More if your need faster. Footprint of this can be 3x3 open space and 5x5 total block space.
I do believe he means he has limited room, not hard drive space. He said he was on a server.

You could get an automated alveary with super-bees inside that make tons of redstone or something. It should be easy to get a super bee if you have extra bees for the machines and thaumic bees for the fastest bee.
Last time I checked on FTB Ultimate with GT hardmode cobble worked? If you don't use Xycraft ever, xychorium makes a great recyclable (haven't actually tried it, but it probably works though), I have also been recycling dark ashes and ashes, the work great and if you are making iridium alloys you get a ton! Xycraft Quartz Crystals? Basically anything you don't use, or have an infinite amount of would work.
There's one clear solution here.

Make more fishers MAEK MOAR FISHAS!
Use Smooth Sandstone, it is a current loophole in the blacklist. Igneus Extrude Cobble, Macerate into Sand and autocraft into sandstone, and then smooth sandstone.