Idea feedback wanted: Re-tagging biomes after chunk generation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm looking for feedback on an idea to fix biome tags for mods that generate large bodies of water without tagging their biome properly.

Requirement: Some way to run something last in chunk creation. Should run before any chunk decoration, as decorations can be biome dependent. Ideally, run after Streams places it's river blocks.

Behavior: Look for water on the surface, in large quantities (bigger than the vanilla surface lake/pond features). Find out if the biome at that location is marked as a water biome. If so, skip this. Otherwise:
Is it a "narrow" band of water (width 12 or less)? Mark it as river.
Is it a "shallow" band of water (depth 5 or less)? Mark it as beach or shore.
Is it a "deep" band of water (depth 15 or more)? Mark it as deep ocean
Otherwise, mark it as ocean.

Since this will find and re-biome-ify any generation-mod's terrain, it will fix any mis-classified biome. Whether it's a large shallow depression in worldgen that goes below 62, or a mod that adds rivers and doesn't identify it as such (ahem ... ATG, Streams, maybe others), or whatever.

... Are swamps marked as a water biome? (cehcks ...) Nope! Tags are "Ocean", "river", "swamp", and "beach". No actual "water" tag.