ID conflict resolution

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys, I've been away from FTB for a while & thought I'd take the new modpacks to play around with the latest mods, so I like to add extra mods to my mod packs, and am hoping to find some way of automagically reassigning ID's, anyone know of one? or failing that, can tell me how to get an ID dump from nei?


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
There's a mod called ID Resolver. Check it out, it does exactly what you want it to do.

There is a kind of a glitch with Buildcraft, make sure oil and flowing oil are adjacent ID's, and it will stop Railcraft from overwriting vanilla recipes for basic rails, but that's really the only hitches to look out for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys, I've been away from FTB for a while & thought I'd take the new modpacks to play around with the latest mods, so I like to add extra mods to my mod packs, and am hoping to find some way of automagically reassigning ID's, anyone know of one? or failing that, can tell me how to get an ID dump from nei?
You could try and use IDResolver. But from my limited experience with it i wouldn't recommend it. It has screwed up several of my worlds already.
You can get ID dumps from NEI through different ways:
  • Edit the Config file (NEI.cfg):
    Look for the line that starts with: #Block/Item ID settings
    Ther should be several settings there. I have put comments in red
    #Block/Item ID settings, configured via the options menu ingame.
    ID dump
        blockIDs=true [COLOR=#ff0000]This will dump all used block ids[/COLOR]
        dump_on_load=true [COLOR=#ff0000]This will create a dump on every start[/COLOR]
        itemIDs=true [COLOR=#ff0000]This will dump all used item IDs[/COLOR]
        show_empty_blockIDs=false [COLOR=#ff0000]If set Block ids which are reserved but not used will also be in the dump[/COLOR]
        unused_blockIDs=true [COLOR=#ff0000]If set not used Block ids will also be in the dump[/COLOR]
        unused_itemIDs=false [COLOR=#ff0000]If set not used Item ids will also be in the dump[/COLOR]
  • Ingame:
    Open your inventory -> Press the options button in the lower left corner
    Open to the Block/Item ID Settings menu
    Make your settings (ie what you want to be dumped)
    Press "Dump ID Map Now"
Both ways you will end up with a file in your mincraft directory that looks like:
IDMap dump 21-7-2013 at


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thank you very much, those are excellent instructions :) I'll do that I guess, id resolver didn't play nice, just froze minecraft up, and as a general rule I try and stay away from world screw ups