IC2 Miners in latest Unleashed

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Usually the first bit of automated mining I do, is to use IC2 Miners as they're fairly cheap and efficient, problem is, they can only accept up to 32eu/t (low voltage) but when you put a diamond drill with an OV Scanner (the expensive one) in, it can't draw enough power from the connected batbox to keep mining.

I'm sure I never used to have this problem and so either IC2 has been changed to increase the cost or another mod is changing it, but either way, it now seems impossible to use them with a diamond drill and an OV Scanner as you simply can't provide them with enough energy.

Is this intended or am I just going full retard...?


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Usually the Eu/t cap means an Eu/packet cap- so you can run a machine above its 'limit' as long as no packet exceeds 32Eu.
I can't vouch for something I've never used, but it seems to be true for most IC2 machines- try an MFE+LV transformer; 4x32Eu/t should run it.​
If not- try a second batbox.