ic2 gravichestplate

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Title ic2 gravichestplate

Launcher Type FTB Launcher

Modpack infinity evolved

Modpack version

Have you modified the pack? Yes

Link to log file

Details of the issue When I use the gravichestplate to fly it works fine normally. I have "r" set to enable and disable the gravitation engines in order to not waste energy. When i am within 16 blocks of another player this does not work. If I am flying when coming into contact with a player and hit "r" it will display a message saying the gravitation engines have turned off but I will still be flying. The only way to stop flying while near a player is to turn off the engines and double tap space as i would in creative. If i stay flying for too long "about 5 seconds" after turning the engines off i am kicked from the server with a message saying that flying is not allowed on this server. I am aware of how to disable the being kicked for flight but not able to figure out how to disable this odd behavior near other players.