Is there a way to split the EU I generate so it will all go to one MFE, and ONLY if that one is full it will branch off and go to another?
Not very easily. The only real way to do this is to put one feeding into the other, which I suspect isn't quite what you want.Is there a way to split the EU I generate so it will all go to one MFE, and ONLY if that one is full it will branch off and go to another?
I think you can use the splitter cable combined with the redstone output on the MFEs to only allow current when the block is full, but it'd be easier when RP2 is updated. I'd probably reccomend having, say, an MFSU hooked into both, and an MFE in your workshop, as the buffer for it. Have the Mass fab running on demand (lever, or BC gate). Put out output of the MFSU to the MFE and the mass fab, as a split. That way there will always be a base level of energy for the workshop to use on demand, but the Mass fab can drain the MFSU when it needs to. It's unilkely that you'll use the MFE's entire store before you are able to refill it agin. What's the generation on it? Is it something that you can divert a few generators to the Mass fab, and leave the rest on the workshop?Yes, that's exactly what I want to use it for!
I want to run a mass fab without having it drain energy from my workshop area.
It luckily got fixed in version 1.109 for Minecraft 1.4.5 and will be available in the next FTB release.It should be noted that after some experimentation, IC2 energy storage blocks' redstone output is a little bugged. It requires a block update for the redstone to change state if the conditions for power emission are met.
Ditto on that, OVER-ENGINEER FTW) What can I say... over-thinking and over-engineering stuff is why I love modded Minecraft.
You may have luck with buildcraft gates sensing the capacity or something, not sure if they can do that still though xD