I hate that!

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Children eventually grow up. Sometimes. They used to.

I hate that I cant find a Greek Fisherman's Cap that I like on Amazon.. it's the only hat that would ever look good on me.
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Someone else is probably enjoying it right now.

I hate how people hate how their hair looks after they gave themselves a hair cut.
Some people are stupid and should learn how to properly cut their hair, and learn to not complain over their own actions.

I hate Tumblr and I'm laughing at all the annoying wannabe hipster kids who are complaining that Yahoo deleted all their porn. Not that I condone censorship or anything.
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If yahoo hadn't deleted their porn, then tumblr would be shut down completely due to child porn.

I hate North Korea.
North Korea does a pretty good job with not interfering with most of the world. Sure every once in a while little Jong likes to pretend he's just like daddy, but then they go back into silence. Yes it's sad that people have to starve and waste, but everything's fixable.

I hate when cheetos get smashed into my rug and I have to spend 5 minutes taking out each particle.
People starve for reasons and through political uprisings or other changes it can be solved.

I hate that hotels never have good toilet paper like Charmin, and if you start feeling sick or anxiety then a vacation can turn to shit. Also why I'm not going with my parents to Utah (Zion mostly) in 2 weeks.
Without starving people, there wouldn't be models.

I hate how everyone on this thread has something they hate... it's so depressing :(
The fact that we can pinpoint things that we hate shows that there are more good things in the world.

I hate that I always get really bad anxiety at around 2-6pm..
Sure people have stuff to hate, but they are all shown the bright side of things. So it is not so sad.

At least you do not have anxiety all of the time. Sorry though.

I hate that economics is not taught more to students.

Things should not be taught to students, people should have more of a drive to seek out and learn those things.

I hate how my high school is practically at a 6th grade level because they decide to teach things like Algebra instead of how to start a fire or how to drive or even manners and how to behave and be nice. Or how to save someone if they're choking. Because I totally need to know how to find the slope of a line or whatever, not actual good things. But you know, instead of being good kind teachers they'd rather complain about how budget cuts and not being able to buy crayons and books is stopping them from teaching worthwhile stuff. I think it's good that we dont have enough money for workbooks, means you'll actually have to get up from your desk and teach for once instead of browsing OKcupid.com while I read books about everything I want to learn.
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Well I can't find anything redeeming about the school system... but at least you have the initiative and opportunity to read books about everything you want to learn.

I hate the laws of physics for not letting us do superawesome scifi stuff.
I think we can do as much cool stuff as we can do in sci-fi shows, we just arent embracing it and developing the technology to do so. Or you could just learn to appreciate that gravity exists, that's pretty rad. (just started watching firefly and summer glau looks scary without makeup. :c)

I hate that tiny hippo is not a real thing that i own
Maybe if I ever run out of SummerGlauAsCameron pics I'll move on to River Tam. (Also, welcome to Firefly, I only got into it in January myself, and now I'm basically yet another Browncoat)

Um, well on the bright side you don't have to worry about feeding it or it getting sick and if you had a tiny hippo then everyone would try to steal it because they're so rare so you're probably better off just imagining it.

I hate the system of TV ratings that requires enough people (in the small set of people who are tracked) to watch a show in order for it not to be cancelled.

(re: below: nononono Choc that was not the correct answer)
The ratings are great, it provides us with quality content such as The Jersey Shore and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!

I hate that I have moneys but no way to order things online. I really want that Greek Fisherman's Cap.. D:
At least now you can spend those moneys on something and not have to wait for shipping.
I'm in the same boat actually.

I wish I had some toast.
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You should go make some toast then. Or waffles. The other day I was really depressed so i melted a Hershey bar onto a waffle, it was orgasmic. Try it some time.

I wish I had a girlfriend with the mind and personality of a guy. It's not that I hate women, it's that I don't like most women I meet as compared to men.
Dude, chill out, there's certainly a girl like this somewhere. And if you do, go after her.

I hate any kind of travelling. I feel sick no matter what.
dont travel then, thats what i do.

i hate how im tired but i dont want to skip krav maga class but im tired

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