Follow these steps to sign in:I am new to FTB, I'm not sure what is going on I am signing in with my minecraft name and password and the same info for my FTB account could someone tell me how to sign in? Please![]()
For my launcher should I have the exe or the jar downloaded? Also when I choose for instance, the MindCrack pack, why does it redownload the mod pack every time I open it?You may have downloaded a non-recommended build. There's a dropdown that says "Recommended", try changing it to the latest version which may be below where it says recommended but it is still the latest. You may also be using the wrong modpack.
I plan on hosting the server, but I downloaded the exe and now everything seems to be working fine. I'm not sure what version it is though but I downloaded the server directly from the home page, so I'm guessing v6?For windows I recommend the exe first then the jar, but that is not what he is talking about. He means you need to use the same version of the modpack that the server has installed. You can find out what version they use by going the the thread the server owner made, and checking for something similar to v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, etc.
Then follow these steps:
(will be updated shortly)
How come it redownload the mod pack every time I log in?Read this:
And this:
As for the version if you chose the Mindcrack pack you will have version 8.0.1. The Direwolf20 pack will have 5.0.1. FTB Lite 1.0.1. Magic World 7.0.1. Tech World 1.0.1. Universal Electicity 1.0.9. Retro SMP 1. Beta pack A 12.
Every time I log in and out or re open the Launcher, it redownloads.It should only download once for every time you change the version then launch.
this is happening to me too. is there a fix?Every time I log in and out or re open the Launcher, it redownloads.
Try deleting the settings folder.
Location here:
Then delete the current launcher. Finally download the latest version from the website, and launch it.
Also post the logs it gives you to pastebin, then link them here.
The redownload feature is fixed now, it doesn't redownload when I click it everything is good nowMake a new thread for yourself.
Just checked and it's in ~/Library/Application Support/ftblauncherah is see, there's no instructions for mac though. o.o