Whitelist Server HydeLabs | Tightly Whitelisted | Friendly | Fresh Server/World | Hardmode | Small Community

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First and foremost, i'd like to say that if you want a server that uses plugins or has OPs to tp you around, you've come to the wrong place. This server is dedicated to the type of people that want to play FTB on hard difficulty, where mailboxes from forestry may actually be used for trading.
All mods are enabled, and i'm currently looking for a couple more players to join my server. At the moment there are 5 players whitelisted, and i hope to keep it below 20. This is because of the fact that I prefer tightly nit community groups, with people i can trust. The server is currently only a week or so old, so all players are still relatively early in the progression tree, meaning if you join now you won't be far behind.
A mumble server will be created shortly where our players can talk with each other, and hopefully help each other survive.

1. Don't be a scumbag. This means no stealing/griefing/abusing other players. Banter is fine, but straight up insulting people is not.
2. Respect each other.
3. Tell me if you make Mystcraft worlds and want them deleted, this will help reduce used space on the HDD.
4. No exploits/cheats. This just ruins the game and will reduce your experience of the server.
5. Please don't use chunk loaders willy nilly.
6. Try not to kill each other.

To apply, replace my application details below with yours, the larger application the better, only very few will get accepted:

Name: Heathy95
Age: 18
Why you want to join the server: I want to join the server because I like small community servers, it allows me to get to know a smaller player base better, instead of trusting no-one like I do on larger servers.
Tell me a bit about yourself: I have always wanted my own Minecraft server, but only recently have I bought one. I used to run a MindCrack server for a friend, and do permissions using bukkitforge, but found that it took the real fun out of surviving, just being able to teleport around. I recently finished 2 years studying a level 3 BTEC in Web Design in college, and now am working at a relatively small company for the one man IT department.
Where you come from: I come from the south of England.
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: I'm the Owner, you have to whitelist me.

Server info:
FTB Direwolf20 1.0.14.
CreeperHost Skeleton Server (Thinking of upgrading to Creeper)
Hosted in Maidenhead, England.
IP: HydeLabs.PlayAt.CH

Please do not feel bad if I do not pm you to say i've whitelisted you, I am a very anal person, and will judge you based on the length and detail of your application.

In the past I had to shut the server down due to income issues. This is no longer a problem and I suspect that the server will become a permanent asset.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have some questions. First of all what mod pack are you running on the server ?
Are there any additional mods added since u say its hard mode i assume u maybe got GT hard mode too ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: ohhworddd
Age: 16
Why you want to join the server: I love playing/helping with people.. i also like a small community.
Tell me a bit about yourself: I go to a Prep School here, and i get good grades. Im currently being looked at for getting a scolarship into a school that is 60,000$ a year, and im only an 11th grader :). I've been playing FTB for about 1 year.
Where you come from: Im from the USA.
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: I'm the Owner, you have to whitelist me.[DOUBLEPOST=1377276858][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry about the additional info, i forgot to edit that ;D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
NAME: EzKing13
Why do you want to joint the server?: I want to join the server because I want to play with good cool people that enjoy playing minecraft. I also want to join because it seems like a great challenge and I am sick of being griefed on other servers.
Tell me a bit about yourself: I am 16 years old and I have been playing minecraft for about a year now and playing modded minecraft for about 6 months. I enjoy doing the technical side of this, and I like the challenges it creates.
Where do you come from?: I come from the Midwest in the USA.
Any additional information: I enjoy this game a lot I will probably play almost every day, and I like playing with other people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: DeathsBrat
Age: 27
Why you want to join the server: I want to join the server because the sever's first rule.I also like this idea of being part of a close-nit small community.
Tell me a bit about yourself: Like stated before I am 27 years old I work 3rd shift at a grocery store. I get a few hours before and few hours after work to spend time doing things I enjoy, minecraft happens to be at the top of that list.
Where you come from: I come from a fine stock of.... no I was born In the mid west of United States raised on the east coast and now I live in the mid west again.
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: I like taking part in big builds solo or group and most things I make I keep in mind how they can benefit me and then the community(in that order but still).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name : NightHunter13
Age : 21
Why you want to join the server: I've been staying away from Minecraft and FTB for months and would like to restart my spree on MC.
Tell me a bit about yourself: I go to school obviously, but I don't like talking about my personal life willy nilly to the world because you know it's personal.
Where you come from: I'm from the U.S currently in California.
Additional Information that will make you want to whitelist me: I've been playing mc since 1.6.2 beta I have a lot of modding experience and played FTB Beta pack for 4 months. Mindcrack pack for another 4-5 months then Ultimate pack for 3 months, then to my custom FTB Unleashed pack for a few weeks. I can help many of the people on the server on tech paths and such. I can help build spawn depending on the theme and the feel it should be.

unholy perfection

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
looks like it will be a good server will apply after i get back from the vacation i am going on tomorrow if you are still accepting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Demchrome
Age: 24
Why you want to join the server: I like the feeling when everyone you are playing with knows you and are always glad to help out and that feeling can only be obtained in a small and tight community server. I'm currently playing in the other server but it's in US and i'm getting a massive lag so even tho I like the people there it's very hard to play :/
Tell me a bit about yourself: I'm a 24 y/o sushi chef ^.^ I'm a lone player who likes to build on his own, but I'm always more than glad to help out. I have been absent form FTB for a while, so I'm a bit rusty on the edges, but I'm catching up :)/. Was running a server since FTB came out with first beta packs, got a killer offer that i couldn't turn down. Server was on 24/7 for 6 months, never empty. Had no idea what was I doing back then but i had a great support from the community so it turned out a descent server also I learned a lot.
Where you come from: Europe/Lithuania/Vilnius
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: I'm a good guy who likes to make food :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Timelife
Age: 20
Why you want to join the server: I have had experience with working with a tightly knit community before, unfortunately it kind of fell apart, but I enjoyed the time that I spent with them and hope to find another community where I can have that kind of experience again. I also want to play on a harder difficulty server because I have gotten to the point where normal difficulty is trivial to survive in.
Tell me a bit about yourself: I am currently on break between the summer quarter and fall quarter of collage, where I will be a junior once I get back to school. I am studying physics and hope to go to graduate school after my senior year (I have to get a lab position this year for those letters of recommendation). Gaming has been a past-time for me for most of my life and I enjoy many different games, especially ones that are a real challenge (I have beaten Demon's Souls and Dark Souls multiple times and they are my favorite games of all time) or games that have exploration and creative aspects. I also enjoy a good story and like hearing about peoples' unusual experiences, be it in games or elsewhere. I also have studied philosophy as a hobby in school, focusing mostly on ethics, and can be very pensive at times.
Where you come from: US, west coast
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: When playing Minecraft (or FTB) I try and make my structures as aesthetically pleasing as I can at the time, while wasting the least amount of space, but I can't do epic looking buildings or sculptures (in short, I make my everyday buildings look pretty, also IT MUST BE SYMMETRIC, RAWR). On the Internet in general, I try and treat others with respect (even when playing League of Legends, where you will be verbally beaten by most players if you so much as sneeze) and try not to get into pissing matches with other people. From my experiences on anarchy servers (yes, I do play on those sometimes, mostly because denying raiders from getting close to your base is hilarious), I know how to fortify and camouflage structures, but I don't believe that this skill will be much needed on this server. Also, parenthesized side comments are awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Zero_Mass92
Age: 21
Why you want to join the server: I want to join the server because I'd like the idea of having a small community. I watch DireWolf20 mostly on youtube and it looks fun to have a small amount of dedicated players to play with. Also this will be my first server and I think it's good to start in a small community.
Tell me a bit about yourself: I'm Zero_Mass, 21 years old. I study Psychology, currently in my 2nd year of my bachelor. During the day I love to work out at the gym, play my guitar or read about computerstuff. In the evening I'm working, gaming or occasionally hanging out with my friends.
I played minecraft since 1.8.1 I think. I started playing with FTB DireWolf20 since January. I learned a lot through his videos but always ready to learn more! and to teach ofc.
Where you come from: I live in the Netherlands.
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: I'm not the Owner, but you still have to whitelist me :D.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: lockdown142
Age: 16
Why you want to join the server: I like to have the opportunity to trust people, also I like the idea of everyone doing what they do, and trading being good fun. If we could maybe do a community build like a big spawn area with shops, that would be fun for me.
Tell me a bit about yourself: I like to read and play video games. I have played Minecraft for like 2-3 years now. I have played modded Minecraft for like 1-2 years of that time. I know you have probably heard it all before, but i would actually like to have a dynamically fun time with some active players. I like to chat a bit too, while working, whether in chat or over TS3, maybe mumble, or even Raidcall.
Where you come from: America :p, Ohio (more specifically) I was born and raised in the county I live in now, but I have moved schools a few times.
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: I like to build, I like my buildings to have purposes but look cool at the same time. I really like modded minecraft because it gives so much variety and everything is pretty limitless. I like to farm a lot as well, I usually breed chocobos and get a group of golden ones. I would like to sell them (if the server has chococraft) if people would buy them instead of just writing me off for powersuits or such :/... Towns fascinate me for some reason (not NPC towns, i mean like a town where I build it all and each building has a different function). I like to tinker with new things, I like to meet people and see what they build. There isn't an awful lot to tell about me, I am pretty simple. I go to a vocational school for Computer Assisted Drafting and I plan on making video games after college, maybe.. I have also been looking into robotics, but I guess I will figure it out when the time comes. With all jokes aside, I would love to join your server, because your vision for it sounds like what I really want to be a part of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: wackoman6789
Age: 15
Why you want to join the server: I want to join this server because im tried of all those big servers always asking you to donate and then give you game breaking items or perks i want to be apart of a small server with trusting folks
Tell me a bit about yourself: I love to play games of any sort and also read i like to also play minecraft and DayZ in my free time i can work will in groups but i do somtime perfur to be alone i have also played minecraft since 1.8.1 but i also played the free verson for about a year before that to.
Where you come from: USA to be more specific Missouri
Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: not really to much just that i love to have buildings look good i can not stand a building being like 1 block off i would have to tear it all down and do it again :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: IGN: Cubstep12, IRL: Jet Taylor

Age: 16

Why you want to join the server: I really enjoy having a small player base to befriend and survive with. I too have been an OP on my own server and It took the fun out of the game for me, teleporting to everyone and keeping me away from traveling by railway or boat or even just running. One of my favorite aspects of the game is travel and is made even more fun by railcraft, with High speed rails and trains, It is truly an immersive experience with all these mods, one that I missed out on. I began searching for other servers and unfortunately have come up short and as such have been playing single player for quite a while, living as a lone Inuit high up in the alps with only sheep to talk to, until now. This server looks like a great way to make some new close friends to survive and thrive with. As a side note I would like to mention that I too absolutely despise plugins, but they seem to be on every server these days which is one of the reasons I am really hoping to get on this server.

Tell me a bit about yourself: I love sports, particularly football but I do partake in many other sports such as athletics, cricket and swimming. My favorite sports team is Liverpool and I support the English national soccer team despite where I come from. My love for sports is matched by my love for gaming and in my spare time I can often be found in my room, playing minecraft, I would love to become a programmer one day and have started learning about java, I have also been practicing LUA, the programming language used by computercraft and as such will probably use turtles and computers wherever possible. I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.5 and have played with mods since 1.1 so it is safe to assume that I have a good understanding of them and minecraft in general. I love to help others learn and I enjoy building things of use to others.

Where you come from: I live in Johannesburg, South Africa but my mom's side of the family is from Liverpool originally which explains my love of football.

Additional information that will make me want to whitelist you: Many have told me that I have a very strange accent, as I am half South African, half British. I have a great sense of humour and I love to laugh and have fun. I enjoy talking to others on TS and on skype. Later this year I will be starting a YouTube channel based around minecraft and I would love to be on a friendly server for it. I would start now but unfortunately I have my GCSE exams coming up very soon, So if I am inactive for a little while, please realize that I am not dead but am probably busy studying or writing an exam. I will however be on the server whenever I can :D

I really do appreciate the time you have taken to read this and would love to join you on the server to have fun.
If you do need to contact me feel free to skype me: Cubstep12 OR Jet Taylor.

Thnx Again :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

In Game Name: fimpevi
Why I want to join this server: FTB is new to me so I want to try it out, BTW I do not like public servers, due to spam, grief, exploit ETC
A bit of myself: I played tekkit for about a year! and I also watch the yogscast play it, I remember at 1 video they said they changed to FTB so I wondered, what is FTB? So, I decided to play on a whitelist server like they did.
Why you should whitelist me: I like whitelist servers that are pretty quite and fun to play so I decided to come over here.

Thank You ;) (And sorry about my unmature name I was young when I made this)


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heathy hasn't been seen on the forums since Tuesday so that may not be the case. That's what I'm going with