Hunger Ovehaul mod

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i know this is in magic farm, I use it in my own custom pack, was wondering about opinions for people whohave used it.

So far the one loophole i find is that people just let themselves die early the game, respawn at their bed, and basically get 'free' food from dying. I have difficulty on Hard, and difficulty 'scaling' set to True in the hunger overhaul mod, so when we die we dont get a full hunger bar, but you still get some shanks worth of food.

If people can just die and respawn and keep mining early on, this kind of bypasses the poitn of the mod. the only solution I can come up with is to get a mod that either removes beds. Im looking to have a level of challenge similar to MF2.

Any mF2 players out there have opinions on this? Or on Hunger Overhaul in general?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hunger overhaul is really fun imo.
There is the usual thing of "you make your own rules, don't abuse the thing if you dont want to."
And also, im sure TiC has a config that stops you from respawning with all your hunger.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Either my own mod and/or Iquana Tweaks mod is a good way to discourage people from dying. ;)
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