10^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^10/10 I have no idea how those things work, so mine probably isn't much. Also, you can do math for one for me? I can't be bothered working out the number.
Okay, let's work through this.
10^10 = 10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10 = 10,000,000,000 (which is a number with ten zeroes)
10^(10^10) = 10^10,000,000,000 (which is a number with ten thousand million zeroes, which is far too big to write out and is huge compared to, say, the size of the universe)
10^(10^(10^10)) = 10^(10^10,000,000,000) (which is a number with the previous number of zeroes and is even more unimaginably large)
but 10^^10 = 10^(10^(10^(10^(10^(10^(10^(10^(10^(10^10))))))))) - which is a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with ten zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes. Is anyone seeing how utterly hypermegaludicriously enormously massively superbig this number is?
10^^^10 = 10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^10))))))))). Now see the innermost (10^^10)? That's the previous utterly hypermegaludicriously enormously massively superbig number. So we're taking a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with a number with the previous utterly hypermegaludicriously enormously massively superbig number of zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes zeroes and then repeating the 'finding the number with that number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes number of zeroes' thing again another eight times.
There are not extreme enough words to explain how huge the hypothetical words are that are required to explain the hugeness of the hugeness of the bigness of the impression left by the mere suggestion that there are enormous enough words in the entire universe to put the paper the size of the utter enormity of the largeness of that number.
And then there's 10^^^^10.
And that means 10^^^(10^^^(10^^^(10^^^(10^^^(10^^^(10^^^(10^^^(10^^^(10^^^10)))))))))
Where the innermost (10^^^10) is equal to 10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^10))))))))).
So the next layer (10^^^(10^^^10) is equal to (10^^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^10))))))))))
Which makes 10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^10))))))))) LAYERS of 10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^(10^^10))))))))))
And then there's another 8 layers worth, where the the ludicrousness just exponentiates the ludicrousness, by ludicrously more layers of ludicrousness.
And I'm not even gonna touch 10^^^^^10.
You can forget about 10^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^10.
the_j485's number 9x10^9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10 is itself far bigger than the universe (though perhaps not bigger than if we had a universe for every particle in the universe?) It can also be written as 9x10^((10^71)-1)/10 if I counted the 9s correctly. So it's a big number and is far bigger than we'll never need to count, but it's tiny compared to even 10^(10^(10^10)) let alone 10^^10.