Nope, only has a method named getHarvestLevel. Unless there's an odd version which adds that
Like I said I have no idea how it works. I found code similar to that from 1.5 i believe and am using it with slight modifications I came up with to get it to work.
Click the green bug next to the Run button. Switch to the Debug perspective, and watch the variables.
I see it, and am using it.
First attempt caused minecraft to freeze. (I had it at line 90 which is : int xRange = breakRadius
. Nothing too crazy happened in the variable window.
Second attempt wouldn't launch minecraft when I had a breakpoint selected.
Third Attempt: put it to line 123 ( return super.onBlockStartBreak(stack, x, y, z, player); ). Variables popped up on right side. were normal. Side hit was 2, the x-z range was 3 as it should be. This was the MOP:
HitResult{type=BLOCK, x=567, y=5, z=-1281, f=2, pos=(567.2881982383424, 5.655325997414046, -1281.0), entity=null}
The entity null part looks.. wrong.
For the Test tool its variables look correct.
Figured out i press the pause/play button to unfreeze minecraft.
When I had line 123 Selected a few things pop up in yellow in the variables tab. See ss here:
Line 138 had a lot of yellow lines in the variable tab as well (int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z);
I'm not sure why dirt showed up as I was breaking a 3x3 cobble area. ...
When going through the debug tab and scrolling through all the various lines it seems to be calling on all bits of the code that would be the end of it telling it to do stuff. So I'm at a loss, unless you think it could be a specific area/line that isn't being called correctly.