How to increase liquid pumped in/out?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi I'm currently running a railcraft tank that stores lava from one liquid tesseract from the nether, i have then got 3 valves which has liquiducts leading to 9 geo thermal generators, however, the amountof lava that is put in the tank is not as much as the lava that is being taken out. So I was wondering what i should do to increase more lava intake to the tank? Sbould i get another tesseract or more pipes that lead from that single tesseract?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tesseracts can output any amount of liquid. There's no loss rate. What matters is the pipe you use. If you're using liquiducts, I believe it's 80mB/t
More liquiduct pipelines means more liquid. Just have a couple more tesseracts, I suppose or more pipelines going in/out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're in 1.6.4, GregTech fluid pipes with pump covers can get up to 960mB/t or so. Tho with liquiducts, you're prob still in 1.5.2 or earlier.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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That or he isn't using GregTech.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
3 valves should more than supply 9 geothermals, there must be something wrong with the setup:

First, ensure the tank input tesseract is directly on the iron tank valve, don't run piping from it because pipes have limited I/O when the tesseract can move quite a bit, like a full bucket a tick.

Second, shut off the tank output for a few minutes and let it fill some, monitoring its fill rate. If its filling very slowly something is wrong with the pump apparatus. Next, turn it on and let it fill all the geothermals with some tank excess (so gather at least 100 buckets). There is a bug where sometimes tanks constantly deplete when they shouldn't if they are suffering a small milliBarrel draw.