How to get into modding?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In the past few weeks I've been wanting to start new projects that expand my knowledge, and one of the things I've always wanted to do is make a mod, and in tandem, get a foot in the door in programming. Knowing how many mod authors browse these forums, I was wondering if I could find any advice on where to start, and perhaps even some first hand testimony on everything that such an activity entails. I feel that I'm not the only one a bit lost on the finer details of modding and programming, and thought that there might be other individuals here with similar interests and question.

Thanks for any and all consideration!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pahimar's channel has a good Let's Mod series, though its not seen a new episode in a bit. Its still got some good beginning stuff there that's quite useful. Another thing I find incredibly useful is to look up a mod like Forestry, download its API, and just browse the code for a while.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you know how to program? Do you know Java? If you don't I highly recommend that you learn that before you even think about touching modding at all.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want you to do something absurdly simple. Go to any open source mod. Check out their github,and stare at their code. That's right, I want you to STARE at their code. Stare at it for hours, and then eventually(hopefully around the fifth hour) you'll have an "ah ha" moment and realize "Holy shit! I know how this works!". There's also plenty of coding videos online. I believe pahimar does some very nice ones as well as VSWE, there may also be some others from forgecraft but those are the only two I know off the top of my head. And remember, staring is the key to success!

Sammy Lopez

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't rely on youtube. seriously. you can use it to maybe explain something you don't fully understand. but don't rely on it. Get books, or eBooks, pdf's and read. read read read. Then try it out yourself. apply yourself in ways the book doesn't show you. lookup homework for java coding, give youself homework. pretend it's a real class, where you're the teacher and student.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More or less i suggest:

Learn java, i personally used Java for dummies 5th edition, but it wasnt very good, now i just google things i dont understand.
Watch pahimar or vswe's way of setting up the development environment, get it all setup.
Look up on github for some open source mods, the best ones in my opinion are: EE3, TConstruct, CompactSolars and Iron Chests.
You will also need to decide how you make your mod, for example mDiyo makes his very different from Pahimar (Which is the way i use) pahimar uses alot more references and libraries.
Make mistakes and learn.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Learn basic Java through youtube tuts and trial and error with source code
2. Start learning the basics of forge and Eclipse IDE. You can make your first tiny mods within an hour.

Its a good idea to lean how to use You will also need Eclipse IDE. It is wonderful and you get no cooless points coding in notepad. Learn how to use it. Learn shortcuts, learn how to commit to github etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1374487290][/DOUBLEPOST]
Don't rely on youtube. seriously. you can use it to maybe explain something you don't fully understand. but don't rely on it. Get books, or eBooks, pdf's and read. read read read. Then try it out yourself. apply yourself in ways the book doesn't show you. lookup homework for java coding, give youself homework. pretend it's a real class, where you're the teacher and student.

Why the hell not rely on youtube? For beginners it is the best way to learn this stuff. Intermediates can drown in pdfs and Java 4 dummys 58th editions. Much of those things are convoluted crap that confuse the fuck out of beginners. Also everyone can benefit from when you become stuck, just dont make it a crutch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Get a modern computer with decent internet connectivity. Get a pencil and a dozen or so sheets of blank and lined paper.

Put what you want to do on that paper and comment it carefully. Even when your drunk you should be able to remember how it all is supposed to work.

Make 3 folders, one will have your ideas, one will have your code in its not working stages, the final one will contain the working stuff.

Start googling how do to stuff. Java is Java, there aren't two versions of it, the code you write will work anywhere.

Start small, right now the mod I am working just checks a server's TPS every 5 minutes and outputs it to a log. Even that might be big for someones first mod if they don't have any previous coding experience.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, thanks for all the suggestions and feedback, Ill look into everything, and hopefully a few months down the line, you guys might see my ultra badass mod!
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