How to debug client lag?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been looking into server info with Opis, but i don't know how i could use it for client info. Our server is clearly not the issue, if everyone on it gets fps lag at the same place. We want to find the reason for that somehow. One who is hosting has 16GB RAM and very high end gaming computer otherwise, but he aswell gets the same fps lag we do joining him. Overall Opis reports about 50-70 chunks loaded at the time when it's most stressed, and that is to my knowledge very low number still.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2013
From my limited experience, I don't think FPS lag and actual tps drops are correlated.

You can have a server crap out entirely on tps and your fps is just fine, and vice versa. I notice for myself, that when I have a quarry running dumping stuff like crazy in buildcraft and / or thermal expansion pipes, whether the pipes are visible or not behind walls, my fps takes a dump to very choppy levels. I turn off the quarry (which is miles away using ender chests) and everything magically fixes itself.

Of course I'm not saying you have the same issue here, but maybe it's something on those lines since you said everyone experiences it in the same area?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you using a lot of rotarycraft machines near that place? I get significant more lagspikes in fps with every rotarycraft machine i place. They do also show up very high on the entity list in opis, but not enough to make it a server problem (my bucket filler tops the list with 40micro seconds, while everything else is under 20).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you using a lot of rotarycraft machines near that place?
Our server doesn't have rotarycraft mod. We're using Direwolf pack. I'm almost used to playing with 16 fps >.< Luckily it's only in that castle area. Also 0 wrath lamps as we suspected them too, but no change.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try using the Shift+F3 window. It adds a pie chart to the bottom right showing what portions of processing are going to what parts of the client. Not great, but better than just FPS.

Also, check your settings. Advanced OpenGL causes problems for me. Performance should be set to Maximum FPS.

You need to make sure you are actually giving the RAM to MC, the launcher defaults pretty low, but don't give it too much. Some trial and error there, but typically somewhere from 2-4 gigs is best for larger mod packs.

Can you describe this area that lags? I've heard of issues before with multipart type stuff when people get a bit extreme there.

Also, do you have anything that could be changing lighting? Example: Build a large square platform in the air, and fill it in from the outside in. Pretty quickly, each block you place will cause a second or more of lag as it does a lighting update. Perhaps you have something/someone changing something around causing large lighting updates.