How to add new mods on FTB?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Me and my mates are playing on FTB Beta 1.4.2.
We watch Feed The Patrick, and we want to have the same mods.
At the time, The FTP modpack is forbidden, so we just want to do our modpack.

So, can someone explain me how to add mod, and change the version into 1.4.6?
The question might has been already asked, so, if it is, just link me the page :)

Great thanks,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To add mods, you just click on the button "Edit Mod Pack", and add the mods you want in there, I think.

But just so you know, there is no way to update the FTBA to 1.4.6 as is.

Your two best bets would be either:

1/ Agree to restart (and possibly cheat the materials to get back) on a fresh pack that uses 1.4.6.

2/ Completely go out of the FTB and use MultiMC. You could then try to update MC, and update every mods and tinker the configs to have the same block IDs to be able to port the save.

That is quite the work, in any case.
As for adding the mods, it's as I said above, but each one of you will have to add them and to tweak the configs.

The MultiMC route would provide you a way to share the configs once you have it working on one client and the server, the others just having to download all the correct versions of the mods to make it work.

My post is far from having all the needed details, and I have no clue as for what FTP has compared to FTB packs (and no wish to know right now).
The main question you need to ask yourself are:
- Do you wish to start fresh on a new pack, or to have a lot of tinkering to keep your old world?
- Does any of the maintained packs (Direwolf20, Mindcrack, FTB Lite, Magic world, Tech World) have what you want, or close enough?
- Does any of you want to take on the task of adding the new mods and tinker with the configs to make it where you want it to be?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for your quick answer :)

Just a thing, you mean that if FTBA was officialy updated into 1.4.6, our world would'nt work on it?
That's scary O__O

Okay to add mod with the launcher, but how can i add them to the server? (We are on verygames server)?

Thanks :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the record, you can port a world to MindCrack without major issue.

We ported our beta a world.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a thing, you mean that if FTBA was officialy updated into 1.4.6, our world would'nt work on it?
That's scary O__O
Just a note, FTB beta A will never be updated to anything. Since FTB is now past the beta stage, the beta build is discontinued.

As jnads says, you should be able to update to any of the release packs without much trouble, and start from there. Always keep a backup of your world in case something goes wrong.