I also did not suggest that she should be "punished", as declining to include one particular mod in a gigantic mod pack is not a "punishment" to the developer.
I see suggesting that FTB not include a mod in any pack because the author doesn't follow some imaginary rules you made up as a punishment. That's why I quoted Jaded's post. The message absolutely applies here. The FTB team and mod authors don't owe you anything at all. They don't have to adhere to your or FTB's schedule. No matter how much you want them to, and you have no right to expect otherwise.
The folks at FTB can also put together their mod pack any way they like. At this point, Eloraam isn't adding anything to FTB with her way of development; she's harming it. Everyone has to sit around waiting for her to find out if she's going to do anything even though everyone else involved is ready to go.
How do you figure that? I see absolutely no post nor comment from any mod author of member of the FTB team saying they are waiting on Eloraam to finish Red Power. It's actually the exact opposite. DW has said many many times on his videos that authors were hard at work getting their mods ready.
They might have waited last time for various reasons. This time your statement is absolutely false unless you can provide evidence to the contrary.
Compare/contrast to mDiyo, Powercrystals, King Lemming, Immibis, etc. who are all active right here on the FTB boards and pump out new code very regularly.
Yeah ok, and there's tons and tons of other mods in the FTB packs, who's authors don't or very rarely post here on the forums or anywhere else. Again they do that because they
CHOOSE to. They do it because they
WANT TO/CAN. Not because they
HAVE TO. Eloraam doesn't
HAVE to do any of that and that's her
CHOICE. Again, Unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, it has absolutely no impact on whether her mod will be included or not
when it's done.
I understand completely that Eloraam has a real job in the real world that is very time consuming. She's probably updating and communicating as best she can
You understand and yet you complain that she isn't developing fast enough or communicating at a level that pleases you, and suggest her mod not be included in FTB because of it. Logic.
But it's not fair to all the other mod developers to have to sit around and wait on her while she's not responding to anyone to find out whether or not there are going to be any updated releases (beyond the occasional vague "it's coming...sometime" tweet).
Who's waiting? Tons of mods aren't ready for 1.6 yet, which is why FTB hasn't released any packs for it yet. It's not because they are waiting for Red Power. It's not in 1.5 because Eloraam and others decided to skip 1.5 and update to 1.6.
Mod packs need to move on, and they need to include mods with active, communicative developers. Eloraam is neither active nor communicative. So RP was dropped, and it was 100% the right call.
Red power was dropped from what? 1.5 packs? It wasn't dropped.
And I'd be shocked if it ever gets included in FTB again, because then we'll be right back in this situation.
What situation? The situation of people thinking mod authors owe them anything? The situation of people thinking mod authors have to follow their imaginary rules? The situation of people thinking mod authors have to drop everything they're doing to follow their made up schedule?
Truth is, it doesn't matter what you think or what I think. Eloraam owes us nothing. She doesn't owe us an explanation. Nothing. The mod will be finished when it's finished, and when it is the FTB team will decide whether to include it or not. Red Power, despite the slow updates, is still a very popular mod. As I stated before, the FTB team understands that mod authors have lives outside of modding, and wouldn't forgo including a popular mod just because the author has other commitments to deal with.