So, I've been playing for about 6 hours now, still lots to learn. Mostly reading on wiki, forums and watching some youtube videos.
So, I built the pulverizer and a grindstone (dunno if I needed both, but I'm mostly just trying everything out).
However, I seem to only get 1 dust for each ingot. I did about an hour of trying to search on google and forums, but don't seem to find anything about this.
My pulverizer works, as it smashes down ingots. My grindstone works, since it smashes too. But, each time it does...I only get 1 dust. I thought you got 2 dust or something.
Probably missing something, but I'm pretty sure I did (at least) mostly the right things...since the machines work and all. Just, I always get 1 dust, and never 2.
I also tried smelting the dust, but it just gives me 1 ingot back, so that experiment didn't really work either.
Anyone know what may be going on or if I missed a step or something?
So, I built the pulverizer and a grindstone (dunno if I needed both, but I'm mostly just trying everything out).
However, I seem to only get 1 dust for each ingot. I did about an hour of trying to search on google and forums, but don't seem to find anything about this.
My pulverizer works, as it smashes down ingots. My grindstone works, since it smashes too. But, each time it does...I only get 1 dust. I thought you got 2 dust or something.
Probably missing something, but I'm pretty sure I did (at least) mostly the right things...since the machines work and all. Just, I always get 1 dust, and never 2.
I also tried smelting the dust, but it just gives me 1 ingot back, so that experiment didn't really work either.
Anyone know what may be going on or if I missed a step or something?