How do you start when you play FTB?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of people have different ways of starting the game, I've seen Youtubers and friends do things in different order.
My ingame to-do list is this:
Get wood, make a wooden pick.
Get stone and make a set of stone tools.
Get LOADS of wood and gather the resources I want for my house (and no it's not a 9x9 :p)
Build my house/mansion/castle/mad scientist lab/nuclear bunker
Go mining
Build insane machines and contraptions
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I usually:
Get 2 logs, make a wooden pickaxe.
Dig down a few blocks, get 18 cobblestone.
Make two sets of stone tools (no hoe, of course)
Get a ton of wood, make a house.
Make a treetap, find a swamp, get rubber.
Mine until I find some iron and redstone.
Make a macerator, then go mining for a while.
Start on my super-automated-crafting-system-2000 (nah)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not bad, most people don't even touch the other wooden tools. I'm glad you can burn your wooden tools in the furnace that's always useful and the getting rubber part comes under the "Build insane machines and contraptions" part with me :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tend to go kill three sheep as soon as I get myself that wooden axe and several trees of logs. Then make a bed, mine some coal and cobblestone, and construct a small residence.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wooden pick -> stone pick/sword/axe -> bed -> look for villages/food -> go hunting for string and wool -> make forestry mining/digger's backpack -> go stripmining
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tend to focus on mining for a long time before even tracking down rubber. I'm not very big on IC2 so I normally focus on getting a Therm.Ex. system up then building some RP and CC
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I find it highly interesting that almost nobody starts out looking for food. Do you all play on Peaceful or something? :p

Usually I am down several points on my hunger bar after the first night, sometimes even earlier. I start every game with putting up a wheat farm before the first nightfall comes. The only time I don't play on Hard difficulty is when I play on Harcore, so running out of food is something I am really not keen on doing!

That stone hoe usually lasts me all game long... :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I too look for food immediately, it is always my only problem in early game. Usually I find it by getting a hoe and planting some seeds before doing ANYTHING else, after that get the normal stone tools and get mass amounts of wood, hoping for some apples to go by it.

That's my usual routine, but occasionally, like in my current world, I spawn next to a village and get carrots :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm starting with finding food by killing pigs, cows and planting seeds :) After that, my focus are on the rest of the basic stuff :) But always food first! :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I might provide a more deep explanation to what I do.

Normally I start building a house and place a waypoint on it. For this I harvest some wood (I prefer birches, but I chop down oaks at the start to get apples) and build the basic tools, a furnace and a crafting-table. I also build a door and a touchplate.

If the finish with this before the night starts I go wander around a bit to explore. I normally want to find other biomes (desert for cacti etc.), reed, rubbertrees and such. While wandering around I harvest some seeds and if I'm lucky I find pigs or cows for meat or even a village to get potatos or carrots. Before I go back inside I'm hopefully able to plant some rubber-trees and some wheat.

After I'm back I start mining (it is night anyway). To get some early torches I use some of the wood I harvest to produce charcoal. I then start digging down for gold, redstone and eventually some diamonds. I start my journey down with a stone sword, but normally I happen to find iron or tin and copper to make an iron-sword and pick or a bronze-one. I need the tools for mining anyway and having something better than a stone-sword isn't that bad.

After I'm back normally with some gold, lapis, redstone, iron, copper and tin (sometimes even with some diamonds) I start to build some machines. A Magma-Engine (oh... I most likely also found Silver) and a Powered Furnace are the first things I build, followed by a Generator and an Geothermal Generator, I also build a bucket. If I happen to find diamonds I normally build a pulverizer or a macerator (I have the alternative recipies enabled for both). If it is day again I harvest some more rubber and wood and create more charcoal. I also look for my wheat, but it will not be enough to feed me yet, but I might be able to harvest and replant some (the farm will grow, since I get more and more seeds). With a big amount of charcoal I will also start to light the whole area up so that monsters can't spawn near my house (or my cave whatever I use).

With the bucket at hand I will start to build a netherportal and get some netherrack and if I'm lucky I also might get some glowstone. Since I have a lot of netherrack building a compressor to get netherbricks is a good idea. I use the netherbricks to build a magma-crucible which will feed the magma into a BC-Tank (so I can take it out easily with a bucket). Since the process is time-consuming I might build another crucible which feeds directly into a magma-engine and maybe even a third one that feeds into the geothermal (I haven't tried that yet, I normally pump the magma, but it should work). With an unlimited supply of magma (well as long as I don't run out of netherrack). I try to get diamonds for a macerator. At this point I normally already have 3-4 Stacks of coal, which could be turned into diamonds with the macerator, so I normally build the macerator before the pulverizer, but I use the pulverizer for ores, because of it sometimes creates additional ores and outputs into the furnace itself. Also the wheat-farm now is large enough to provide a stable supply of bread.

From this point onwards everything is very... open. I could again go for a village, I could go for bees, I could do a little crops, I could build some farms, I could go further into IC2/Gregs with a centrifuge etc. I could even go full bronze and look for a netherfortress.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Without bonus chest; fists -> wooden pick -> stone pick, slag furnace, and one normal furnace to burn tools in/smelt steel dungeon loot-> iron pick -> mine for an hour or until inventory is full -> pulverizer powered by steam -> invar for geothermals -> midgame

With bonus chest; exactly the same, except without the wooden pick stage.

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
kill FOUR sheep.

I just started my second world, after 5 months on Mindcrack.

Plan to get the head start on bees so another wool for my first scoop is a must (and hopefully a village apiarist is just around the corner :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First I begin, then I get a wooden pickaxe, and maybe a shovel if theres no nearby exposed stone, make stone tools asap and furnace. Kill animals for food and sheep for wool. Make a bed.
Then I wander around for hours looking for the prime spot to build a cool base and then spend even longer deciding on a theme.

My world gets pretty covered in waypoints of possible base locations while I search for cool spots. I think I have a problem.

Several hours later I go mining, the mod I usually "get into" first is Forestry and/or Thaumcraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Usually, I start by:

Punch wood until I get a stack of it.

Go mining.

Build a crappy house.

Make TE machines

Make IC2 machines

Mke GT machines

This is already mid-game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Random necro?

Of all people to necro the thread, too.

I start with punching wood, then I get a pickaxe then I get stone and then I go caving for a few minutes and get iron, cook it up and get an iron axe then go chop trees for 4 hours while I'm totally subconscious and then when I wake up to my senses again I've chopped down a RP2 rubber tree and I have infinite wood.

Then I realize I need an uncrafting table to get the wood because RP2 rubber trees, the biggest trees in the game, don't give you anything ACTUALLY useful.

Then I go make a GT thread about it because anything bad must relate to GT. I also add to my signature the stupid GT threads counter and I add to the necro'd thread counter too because this thread exists still.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tend to head for the nearest tree and remove it

Make a CT and a pick and axe. Get another 2 trees and head downward to stone.


Mine for iron.
Mine for gold and diamond.

... Then the rest is not the start.?