How do you go and progress through FTB Monster

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys I really need some help here,

So I've been playing FTB since very early on and I've loved the modpacks up until ultimate. I had an ultimate world for about a year now and It was amazing!! Automatic Diamond Bee Farms, 100 UUmatter a second, a infinite supply of every power (that includes Blutricity and Factorization). I would always have a new ambition. Then the world got corrupted, I freaked out, though I made backups monthly it was at the later part of the month so I decided to just take the old save. I looked at it as a good thing, I could complete the projects more efficiently now that I knew what to do. Well that didn't work out my world kept on getting corrupted (something with gregtech) and what was doing was done so fr back in my progress that I wouldn't stand replaying days of gametime to achieve it again on that world. I started looking at the new packs. Unleashed and Unhinged, In unhinged I didn't like the new gregtech and in every unleashed world I would just go into a free fall of me just hating the world and it would always lead to me making a new one. Well now we are now in monster and I still cannot get a foothold in the pack.

This is why I am here. I would like you to tell me how you start out the game and get to about an ae system with a good amount of resources, (I consider this where I can start to do my own thing) the more details the better. So please be very detailed and try to give me details on resource amounts before yu do something or what you have before you make an infinite power source.

Thanks :D
Other than a few goodies, I play basically vanilla minecraft for a few days. I setup farms immediately for food. Find a spot for a base and dig a cave to start in until I have the resources to build a decent building. Generally, by the time I have a decent building, I have the resources to get rolling. Like you, I have been through just about all the power setups there are, so I decided to go a different way. My initial ore processing is all in the TC smeltery. Not only is it good for tools, but it doubles your ores. I put a liquiduct fedding a casting basin over a hopper. It is much quicker to make blocks than ingots and you don't need any machines to convert the blocks to ingots in Monster. I am going to play with Rotarycraft some and still want things from Thermal Expansion. I noticed there is an engine for Rotarycraft that runs off of RF, so TE power will run both for me. I will have a pump in the nether for lava before I setup my first machines. I found a cool trick with TC. You can make invar in the smeltery. This mean you can make magmatic dynamos BEFORE you have any TE machines made. No more waiting for the Induction Smelter and having to make other engines you may throw in a chest later. I also plan on setting up BC lasers to make chipsets. You need them to upgrade pumps and quarries to the BC plus versions which are enchantable. I am looking forward to a quarry with fortune 3 and eff 5. I also wouldn't mind playing with all the new nuclear reactors from various mods, but they are gonna be a while. I think my main goal in Monster is to use what I know as a basic start while I explore new mods.
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I guess you could say that my startup playstyle is kind of in a rut, because I always seem to be starting the same way. Basic tools > small farm > mineshaft to bedrock > weak TiCo tools > TE ore doubling with steam dynamo. I try to find some good sources of lava > magmatic dynamos and build up a good resevoir. After I start to fill up about 6 iron chests full of random stuff + a few barrels of basic mats, I build a basic ME setup with a few small drives. I think it would take at least half a stack of certus quartz and a full stack of nether quartz to even get started with AE. Hopefully by this point I'll have a constant source of lava or a big reserve because I refuse to try to run AE off of steam powa (boiler not included). This is my typical branching out point.
I guess you could say that my startup playstyle is kind of in a rut, because I always seem to be starting the same way. Basic tools > small farm > mineshaft to bedrock > weak TiCo tools > TE ore doubling with steam dynamo. I try to find some good sources of lava > magmatic dynamos and build up a good resevoir. After I start to fill up about 6 iron chests full of random stuff + a few barrels of basic mats, I build a basic ME setup with a few small drives. I think it would take at least half a stack of certus quartz and a full stack of nether quartz to even get started with AE. Hopefully by this point I'll have a constant source of lava or a big reserve because I refuse to try to run AE off of steam powa (boiler not included). This is my typical branching out point.
Blimey. Are you sure you're not my lost twin? It's my playstyle word for word.
my lost twin?

My first thought;

Normally, I race to run through the tech trees, reach endgame, and get bored too fast. Since I started Monster, I am going slow, and getting back to basics - I am building a huge mountain fortress, overlooking a village in a valley, surrounded by the jungle. Reminds me of vanilla Minecraft. Only tech I have right now is rocks, sticks, and string! When I get my fortress right, then I will start on the tech. Seems to be more satisfying for me.
I always do a vanilla speed start, getting vanilla stone tools as fast as possible. - I've found the vanilla tools to be superior to the TiC ones except for the more advanced tools. I can put low level enchants on vanilla tools and it doesn't matter if they don't last. Plus the swords are more powerful even without enchants.

Then I gather enough wood and food (hunting passive mobs) for a couple of minecraft-days and 6 sand, 6 clay and 6 gravel, before I dig in for the night.

I make a beeline for the Tool forge from TiC, and craft the hammer, excavator and lumber axe from stone with wooden handles. - Depending on if I find enough quarts dust, I may build a AE grinder and gather only half the metal ore, or just gather more ore and smelt it the vanilla way.

Next i gather enough iron to make a full armor set while trying to find 4 diamonds, 1 for the stone hammer, 2 for an enchanting table and 1 for the Twilight Forrest. (I'll craft an iron, bronze, or quarts pick for getting the diamonds, and other interesting ores)

Once I have an enchanting table I put level 1 enchants on everything, (I'll accept whatever enchants I get) then I make a Twilight portal. - The loot in the TF is great, but only if you don't have everything yet, so you get more out of a Twilight adventure when you are starting out. Also, in the TF you can gather a bit of netherrack from the druid huts, and glowstone at various locations.

In the TF I start out doing a raven hunt to get the magic map as fast as possible

There are plenty of shallow rivers with easy to find clay and sand. So I gather the materials needed for TiC smeltery here.

I craft the bare minimum IC2 infrastructure to craft and support an electric jet-pack (why I needed the glowstone) then i go around looting the leaf dungeons.

With a jet-pack ready, I go to the nether for a few more resources that are more abundant here than in the TF. And of course for cobalt and ardite ore, so I can start making my "ultimate" TiC tools.

Back in the overworld I'm almost set, all I have to do now is gather a small stack of ender-pearls while I start building up my base. Once I have enough pearls, I locate and activate the End portal. From that point on, I basically have access to everything and i can build my base however I want.

Broken image? Shows fine to does the same image in your post. How odd.

I see a broken image as well. The problem is, the server hosting the image doesn't allow you to embed the image in other webpages.
The reason YOU see the image is because the image is already loaded in your browser cash.

If I copy the image URL then paste the URL in a new browser window, I can see the image.
My play style usually follows these steps every time.

1) Typical first day of minecraft (cut trees, get stone tools, get food, make charcoal etc.)

2) Go spelunking for hours till you have tons of resources and can build a quarry.

3) Desperately try to find a way to power the useless quarry, and pulverize your ores.

4) Rush power armor and gradually build a base.

5) Build an ME system and preferably have everything automatically smelted as it's pumped out of your quarry.

6) Go for a better method of power so you can easily power all your stuff and be future proof.

7) This is where I just go and do something different every time. I usually like to build automated factories that make stuff.

I usually just upgrade my power fist as quickly as possible and don't bother with the TiCo tools. I prefer TE machines over the IC ones because I'm more used to them and they have the input / output configs. I usually use solar panels as my primary source as power, but I like trying different things.
Broken image? Shows fine to does the same image in your post. How odd.
The domain doesn't like embedding. Shows for you 'cause you already had the image cached. Everyone else can view it by just dragging it up to a new tab.
my startup style also follows a similar pattern.

1st day or so, I run around gathering barley, wood and whatever meat i can find to start a tiny farm.
During the nite, I start digging. either steps down to y=10, or a shaft strait down with ladders if im in a nicely forested area.
Keep caving and mining until I have enough iron for a TiC tool forge. Then I make a stone hammer and stone lumber axe.
Using the lumber axe, I start a manual charcoal farm with whatever trees are available locally. using the hammer, I start digging large holes around y=12 looking for lapis for my 1st metal hammer. at the same time, i gather mats to setup some basic TE ore processing, and setup a smeltery.
once I have enough mats, I make a metal hammer (ideally steel, but it depends). Then with fortune 2+ on my hammer, I start gathering quartz for an AE chest and 64k storage.
By that time I usually have enough mats for a quarry and the beginnings of my AE system, and im off and running.
The AE chest and storage eliminates the need for a house of barrels while Im collecting mats for a proper base.
Strange, I spend a couple of MC days looking for a place to call home. I just sort of know it when I see it. Then I start mining. I usually run around with a wooden sword and no armor.
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I used to power through the tech mods to start with, but recently, I've been exploring magic. Tried starts with Thaumcraft, Ars Magica 2 and Blood magic, and they're all quite fun.

My current world is the only one that had a moderately "normal" start, in that I wandered for a bit until I found a temporary home (a redwood tree, in this case), gathered a few resources, made a smeltery, and built a larger house somewhere that didn't have the AM2 forests in view (lag-fest!). Went through the standard TE run of machines, built a tree-farm, then a boiler, quarry, etc.

Now I'm looking at the GenDustry Bee machines, and experimenting to see if I can replicate my 1.4.2 bee setup.
Mine,TE,Tinkers,Lava power from nether using endertanks, build house, advanced genetics (flying), mystcraft, quarry/quarry plus, big house,magical crops, diamond infused armor, auto spawner( no need to go to end), thaumcraft, finally blood magic.
Mine,TE,Tinkers,Lava power from nether using endertanks, build house, advanced genetics (flying), mystcraft, quarry/quarry plus, big house,magical crops, diamond infused armor, auto spawner( no need to go to end), thaumcraft, finally blood magic.
Pls look at the dates of threads before you post in them. Not really popular to resurrect old threads like this without anything out of the ordinary to add.
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Pls look at the dates of threads before you post in them. Not really popular to resurrect old threads like this without anything out of the ordinary to add.

K, my bad I was just searching google and found this thread but I must have forgot to look at the date.
Best Regards,