how do i ban items on my server?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been wondering this also. I have seen a Mod or two that lets you change and/or delete recipes but have not found anything that lets you Ban items.

I am very interested and will be keeping an eye out too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a small server with a few friends. It's a private white listed server. I learned about the dollies and their ability to move monster spawners a while ago, but didn't tell anyone about it. Because the second we can do that, we can start doing crazy shit with them and grind rooms. However there was a chunk corruption issue, and one of my friends had to move his base. We used world edit to move the buildings themselves, but then he had to move the contents of his chests. So I told him about the dollies to make it easier. We agreed to not move spawners with them, and just use them for chests. Now he's wanting to move spawners, and thinks we should agree on a number of spawners we can all keep around for grind rooms... I don't like this idea. So if I ban the diamond dolly, then they can't be moved (at least we wont know how) and there will be no temptation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a small server with a few friends. It's a private white listed server. I learned about the dollies and their ability to move monster spawners a while ago, but didn't tell anyone about it. Because the second we can do that, we can start doing crazy shit with them and grind rooms. However there was a chunk corruption issue, and one of my friends had to move his base. We used world edit to move the buildings themselves, but then he had to move the contents of his chests. So I told him about the dollies to make it easier. We agreed to not move spawners with them, and just use them for chests. Now he's wanting to move spawners, and thinks we should agree on a number of spawners we can all keep around for grind rooms... I don't like this idea. So if I ban the diamond dolly, then they can't be moved (at least we wont know how) and there will be no temptation.
You could disable crafting recipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or you could ride the dolly like there's no tomorrow.[DOUBLEPOST=1396579123][/DOUBLEPOST]... Ignore that. Anyway I thinks you need plugins to stop that from being made[DOUBLEPOST=1396579208][/DOUBLEPOST]omg now I want to go to tecso and ride shopping carts so bad.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, how do I do that?
I have no idea, never actually messed with it :p
I am curious, nothing meant to be offensive, but why do you give in to temptation so easily? Regular spawnersare boring, why do you not do something simple yet fun like MFR or Cursed Earth? I would never ban dollies because I wuv chest movement (which is why i like the force wrench)
And im tired. Drawn out post :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are two dollies, the basic one which can move chests, and the diamond one which can move monster spawners. I just want to disable the diamond ones, so we'd still be able to move chests just fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
... IM MEMBER :O I feel like I'm on top of the world!!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use a mod called recipear. Server side only no clients have to download anything the setup is real easy. you can change recipes delete them or just make them uncraftable if you can obtain them another way. The syntax is real easy.

46:CRAFTING or meta day like



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you just worried about people moving spawners or moving spawners too cheaply? I ask because there are other ways to move spawners other than the dolly. Portaspawner from MFR comes to mind. Now I'm also wondering to myself if MFR digital miners could as well. Honestly vanilla spawners kinda suck for anything other than hindering progress in exploration. They are far exceeded by cursed earth mob grinders that then fuel a mfr autospawner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could make a massive MFF system around the whole server! YEAHHHHHHHBHHHHHHHDasjdgsagdjasjdsasha b

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe the auto spawner takes mob essence to run though. And the way you get that... from a mob grinder around a mob spawner. We also don't use chunk loaders, so they can't just set it up wherever they want to get the essence. They'd have to be around it. We have gregtech installed in an attempt to try and prolong the game and put a little difficulty into it. One thing that can be done with mob spawners... collect a bunch of blaze ones, have your grinders around them, funneling all the blaze rods into furnaces to generate power, which will power the grinders and give you some extra. Free unlimited energy with minimal work. I'm trying to stop stuff like that from happening.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe the auto spawner takes mob essence to run though. And the way you get that... from a mob grinder around a mob spawner. We also don't use chunk loaders, so they can't just set it up wherever they want to get the essence. They'd have to be around it. We have gregtech installed in an attempt to try and prolong the game and put a little difficulty into it. One thing that can be done with mob spawners... collect a bunch of blaze ones, have your grinders around them, funneling all the blaze rods into furnaces to generate power, which will power the grinders and give you some extra. Free unlimited energy with minimal work. I'm trying to stop stuff like that from happening.

Short story: On my server I have morph. I dont use the flight of bat mode cause I think its a shortcut to MPS flight and the glider/jump assist does me fine. My gf loves flying around, and only really builds stuff in a house she built in creative on the plateau next to me. We arent competing, and I dont mind that shes taken a short cut.

Chicken coup, vacuum hopper eggs into a dispenser that hatches chickens, grinder to make chickens into mob essence
Cursed earth into mob grinder for mob essence
Essence berries into mob essence via autonomous activator+sewer
(Maybe best) cursed earth in mined out nether fortress chunk to give you wither skeletons, blaze, skellies, magma cubes, pigmen, and anything else your nether might have. Gives coal, witherheads to make netherstars, and blaze rods all usable for power. Chunk loaded using two vanilla hoppers trading a piece of dirt between them.

Point: Maybe its not a big deal that people get energy from blazes. If you're playing GT seriously, blaze spawners are piddly power compared to late game alternatives. All energy in MC is net gain otherwise no one would use it. Sometimes I find I need to relax a little on my personal vision of what the game should be so others play there too. Though it is your server in the end, I am just offering my perspective for what its worth.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Though it is your server in the end


The simple fact is, it's my server, it's NOT a public server. I pay for it, I admin it, I'm the op. The other two people have even said that they can't be trusted with op powers, because they know that they'd abuse them. What I want to ban, or why I want to ban it... doesn't really matter. The simple question is, HOW to ban stuff. I've gotten a few answers I'll look into. I guess I'm just kinda surprised at this point that there is nothing inherent in the mod packs that let you do it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The simple fact is, it's my server, it's NOT a public server. I pay for it, I admin it, I'm the op. The other two people have even said that they can't be trusted with op powers, because they know that they'd abuse them. What I want to ban, or why I want to ban it... doesn't really matter. The simple question is, HOW to ban stuff. I've gotten a few answers I'll look into. I guess I'm just kinda surprised at this point that there is nothing inherent in the mod packs that let you do it.

Oh I have my own private server, so I understand. Some mods let you set the item/block ID to 0 in the configs to disable them. Have you tried that?