Hossumquat plays Modded Minecraft for your pleasure

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello fellow modded minecrafters!

I am a new Youtuber making Let's Plays for Modded Minecraft. I have a lot of experience with Modded Minecraft and as such I bring that knowledge into my videos, much like Direwolf20 and PurpleMentat do. So it's a great place to learn things. I love learning so I am always interested in learning more.

My primary goal for my channel is to serve you, the audience, with great videos that are fun and enjoyable to watch as well as educational to those seeking to learn the mods better. Fame and fortune are very secondary and I will not allow that to interfere with the primary goal. I want quality and professional content but I want things to always be fun and focused on what you want. I've seen too many Youtubers branch off in odd directions and lose track of their roots. I am not going to do that myself.

I have a fair amount of content up already (62 videos according to Youtube at the time I am writing this). My two active series right now are The Dark Trilogy and Material Energy^4. I think two ongoing series is a good balance so I'm going to stick with that for now.

I have improved a lot I feel from my earliest videos. Being relatively new, and having a lack of visitors and feedback, this opinion is my own rather than objective feedback from others. I would love to know what others think as well as any advice anyone has for things I could work on. I would suggest starting with a recent video rather than an old one. Like I said, I've come a long way. Practice, practice, practice is the path to mastery with anything one does. As such I've been stubbornly pushing forward making videos even though I'm not sure I'm really all that good at all this right now. I know I'll eventually be pretty good at it. Feedback would be so helpful though. :)

Alright everyone, take care and have a great day.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here is my latest video on my Dark Trilogy Let's Play series

In this episode we work on leveling up our witch soul shard and seeing the new changes to the mobs in this new version of the modpack. We look at a few other cool new changes as well. Then we give the sapphire glass a try, as it is witherproof! Come and witness the results!

And this is my latest video from my other series, Material Energy^4

We continue work on and finish a fully automatic solar power system. It generates decent power and is plenty for our current needs. We then make ourselves a painting machine. Any Ender IO facility is never complete without a painting machine. Then we try our ender pump on blazing pyrotheum to see if we can collect that easily as well. Then we explore the nether sphere a bit more to see what's around but decide to safen things up a little first, because I don't trust those magma cubes.

I haven't seen anyone else making use of solar power really in ME4 but it seems to be a really excellent means of powering things. I haven't seen anyone else make bedrockium drums either but they are very useful in this pack as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been busy, even if I got behind on posting here. Here are the next episodes I've uploaded:

So many videos I have to split this up into two messages!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need to do better on keeping this thread updated. Here's more videos:

Hope you all enjoy, guys and gals. Take care.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More new episodes of ME^4. Focused on the goal to obtain presses and upgrade my ME systems:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello all! New episode up!

Episode 29: To start this episode off right I showcase my lovely flower garden, featuring ender lilies perched atop rich fertilized soil. An impressive addition to any ME^4 base. Then we work on making some melons since I designed my garden to have them but we don't have any yet. This proves to be problematic. That's ok though I guess since it sucks as a food source anyway. Then we turn our attention towards... cookies! Yum! Looks like we'll need a lot of them for a quest so we evaluate the various strategies available to get lots of cookies. Then it's off to the garden again to look at the cocoa farm I set up. This will be a critical component of Operation OctoCookie. Next, we have a look at what's new with Biosphere^4. Then we use the cookies we currently have to unlock some of the community spatial chambers. Finally I show you some of the modifications I made to my smeltery to interface it with my ME system. And to wrap it all up, we go ninja and try to make ourselves a badass shuriken for ranged attacks.

Hope everyone enjoys!



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here are the latest episodes since the last post:

I've built my new machine to record on and the last episode (#41 of The Dark Trilogy) was recorded using that new machine. Frame rate going forward on all videos will be much better now.

Here's the details on my new machine for anyone interested:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cool videos. Seems you have a littlw fps problem too. Maybe its from video capture program

I did have FPS issues before due to slow computer. I have recently built a new machine, though, and FPS is awesome now. :) You need to check out the more recent videos to see the difference. Video capture works remarkably well given the situation it was in. It hardly impacted the FPS actually. I definitely recommend Bandicam to anyone making youtube videos professionally.

Unless you are taking about Material Energy^4 with the Miner's Delight^4. That chamber hits everyone's FPS regardless what specs their computers have. Something to do with Thermal Expansion dense ores or something I think is what the theory is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone. Had a little slowdown in getting episodes out but they are still coming out. Here's the new episodes:
