Horizons 1.0.9 NEI

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will admit that I am one of those people that if the option to cheat is available I will take the easy way. So, having the cheat mode open on NEI is very annoying. I tend to take the easy way out rather than playing properly and I ruin my own fun.

I decided to disable it, so first I tried changing the mode to recipe mode and leaving it there. That brought my first issue: If I change NEI to recipe mode and then restart FTB it auto changes back to Cheat mode on default.

After that I thought, maybe i'll just disable cheat mode in the config: In the config I changed the lock mode to 1 (which is recipe mode) meaning that when I start the game I should not be able to change NEI to anything other than recipe mode. But when I start up FTB nothing has changed. It still defaults to Cheat mode.

When I go back into the config it has reverted to not having lock mode and it says mode "-1" rather than 1 which I set previously.

No matter what I do I cannot get cheat mode to disable.

(On another smaller note: Zan's minimap will not save any of the ingame settings that I change during gameplay through the minimap menu (such as types of mobs shown and whether I want to see beacons or signs.) Non of it will save. If I change the options then restart the game the opions revert.)

These issues are on Horizons 1.0.9 and do not change if I reinstall the pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, first, I believe you will find that 0 is recipe mode, so setting that will probably help.

Second, I have to ask you what may seem like a really stupid question; have you saved your changes to the config file?

Third, I see you've posted about this before, were you unable to solve the problem last time?

Fourth, to ensure that your settings are saved, I would strongly advise launching FTB as an administrator and not running the game from within a system folder (which includes your Downloads folder;) put your FTB launcher file in a folder on your C drive and give it a try from there.

Finally, another obvious-seeming thing but please ensure that you are modifying the correct config; it should be in YourFTBDirectory\Horizons\Minecraft\config\NEI.cfg

FYI, I did try it myself on Horizons 1.0.9 and it's working fine for me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for replying.
I did not know that 0 was recipe mode, i always though that 1 was. I'll test that.

I always save changes before i close the document just to make sure that everything works and even then once I open FTB and reopen the document the changes have reverted to -1

Yeah, the problem was unsolved last time as the only person to reply did not at all grasp the problem that I was talking about.

My FTB is saved in its own folder called Feed the beast inside my C drive :)

And yes, I am modifying the NEI.cfg and not the other NEI configs.

I have quite a lot of experience with config files and this is the first time that this sort of thing has happened so it is really confusing me.
My GF is using the same pack and not getting this problem so I am really confused as to what is going on. o_O

I have tried completely re-installing the FTB launcher and all modpacks and it still happens. Even tried editing the cfg with both normal notepad and notepad++ and nothing makes a difference.

Thanks again :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No worries. That's why I'm asking all the obvious stuff, because it is very strange, and usually my inclination in situations where something is apparently doing something it really shouldn't be doing is to assume user error first, because that's usually the far more likely case ;)

I went to a tech support forum once because I'd tried literally everything to get a game's sound working and nothing worked. Then I went back to the game, cocked my head questioningly and turned the volume up.

More than anything, it sounds to me as if something on your computer is preventing changes from being made, as opposed to FTB itself. I might recommend copying your GF's entire install to your system, and see what happens then. I've fixed problems before with a USB key and an already-functioning copy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would love to do that but she lives miles away and has no way of using the computer at the moment.

I'm going to try and run the game from my D drive rather than my C and see if that makes a difference, as well as changing it to mode 0 and running the FTB launcher as admin.

Will report back soon :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's fixed. Thank you so much.

Changing the cfg to 0 worked. That was the simple part.
The even better part is that after running as admin the controls and other changes to Zan's map also save.

All sorted and working perfectly *thumbs up*