Horizon III recommended world type?

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Would anyone happen to know the recommended world type for the official FTB Horizon III modpack?
I can't/won't play till I know just so I wont have to restart my world, I already find it hard enough to start a world.
Types are : Default, Large Biomes, Biomes O' Plenty, Lost Cities, and Lost Cities (BoP)
(I'm assuming the other types (superflat, amplified, costumized) are all out of the question)


Jul 24, 2013
1). This is the 3rd place I've seen this question. Once is enough :D

2). Since this is the first 1.12 pack by FtB I would, by default, start a new world to avoid world spawn issues or even corruption. Any mods from your current (not 1.12) world that aren't in Horizons III could leave gaping holes, both figuratively and provisionally, that aren't worth the effort to fix. Besides, you can still play the current world as is if you decide to remove the Horizons III pack.

3). Having stated #2, why does there have to be a "recommended world type"? This isn't Skyblock or some similar pack... My personal favorite is a "Customized world" where I turn both Andesite and Granite spawn possibilities down to zero... Andesite looks too much like stone and Granite looks too much like dirt. :D


Once is seemingly not enough as no one has yet to give me a straight enough answer. While I never fully understood the reasoning behind world types I know that you can miss out on certain things if you go with world types other than a certain one. And by the way, I just tested (yes, it was after your reply) and it does work fine, so my only trouble is how should I play right? And maybe i just don't understand the Horizon pack series enough but from what I read experiencing the mods is part of it and that sometimes can't be done on default.


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Aug 29, 2014
Once is seemingly not enough as no one has yet to give me a straight enough answer.

All posts you did with the same question in different places was made today - you need to have some patience for someone that knows the right answer to see it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lost Cities will generate a world of metropolitan buildings, most in disrepair, many teaming with hostile mobs. There are parks and planters with trees, so you won't be completely resource starved, but it plays quite different from the Vanilla feel. I recommend testing it, but it would take a special pack for it to feel right to me. That said, sometimes different is good.

Lost Cities (BoP) will generate a Biomes'o'Plenty world, but with scattered Lost Cities. This is probably the best way to approach the pack. It has your standard BoP generation, so it feels normal and homey, but it has ruins to explore, and possibly make into an already built base (you're going to want to evict the neighbors in short order, though). It's a nice way to see the scenes without being constricted to living in an area you don't like.


Lost Cities will generate a world of metropolitan buildings, most in disrepair, many teaming with hostile mobs. There are parks and planters with trees, so you won't be completely resource starved, but it plays quite different from the Vanilla feel. I recommend testing it, but it would take a special pack for it to feel right to me. That said, sometimes different is good.

Lost Cities (BoP) will generate a Biomes'o'Plenty world, but with scattered Lost Cities. This is probably the best way to approach the pack. It has your standard BoP generation, so it feels normal and homey, but it has ruins to explore, and possibly make into an already built base (you're going to want to evict the neighbors in short order, though). It's a nice way to see the scenes without being constricted to living in an area you don't like.
thanks, ill just take this and hope for the best, already waited long enough to play the pack...