Whitelist Server Hoffcraft | FTB Monster | Small Community | Whitelist | 1.1.1 | Builders Wanted!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to Hoffcraft
Hello Everyone! My name is Jordan and am wanting to add a few people to my private server. My current host is aim2game and have had a 99% uptime with our server for the past six months. I have recently updated the server to FTB Monster so the world is fairly new and unexplored.

Depending on what happens with the server, may start a youtube series as well so if you would be interested in that, please apply. Also if you have any experience with video editing or recording is a defiant bonus so make sure to include that.

Some info about me:
Age: 18
IGN: Hoffey11
Real name: Jordan
Timezone: GMT-6
Minecraft Experience: Over 2 years

Please fill out the forum below in a comment and we will get back to you shortly. Each application will be read over and if you are accepted, you will receive your acceptance in the thread as well as through a PM. Please fill in the following:

Age: 16+
Skype or TeamSpeak 3:
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods:
Average playtime a week:
Any extra comments:

If you don't feel comfortable answering a question, that's perfectly fine. Servers rules and such will be given upon acceptance. IP address will be given out also as we add you to the whitelist!

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  • Like
Reactions: JoeOtaku
Age: 16
IGN: JoeOtaku
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype: Joe Otaku
Country: Canada
Timezone: GMT -7 (mountain time)
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Been playing minecraft since Febuary 2012. Started playing FTB from March 2013. Packs played: Tech world, Mindcrack, Ultimate, Unleashed, Unhinged, DW1.6, Horizon. Favourate mod is 1.4.7 IC2+Gregtech+other addons
What you think about the server switching in the future to FTB Monster: I have no problems with that, Monster has some cool mods that I liked from Horizon such as Rotary Craft and TE3.
Average playtime a week: 4h-15h
Any extra comments: I think updating the server after Monster pack is considered stable is a good idea.
Age: 16
IGN: JoeOtaku
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype: Joe Otaku
Country: Canada
Timezone: GMT -7 (mountain time)
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Been playing minecraft since Febuary 2012. Started playing FTB from March 2013. Packs played: Tech world, Mindcrack, Ultimate, Unleashed, Unhinged, DW1.6, Horizon. Favourate mod is 1.4.7 IC2+Gregtech+other addons
What you think about the server switching in the future to FTB Monster: I have no problems with that, Monster has some cool mods that I liked from Horizon such as Rotary Craft and TE3.
Average playtime a week: 4h-15h
Any extra comments: I think updating the server after Monster pack is considered stable is a good idea.

App is under review!
Age: 18
IGN: meshocky
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: TS prefferebly
Country: Australia
Timezone: GMT + 11
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Over 2 - 3 years FTB since mid last year, Most packs which include lots of mod. Computer Craft is probably my favourite at the moment, as im into programming.
Average playtime a week: 2-3 hours a day...
Any extra comments: Will be able to deal with the lag most likely, hopefully its bearable, just looking for a good community with a FTB pack. Am happy with any resets due to the pack updating.

Thanks for your time :)
Age: 25
IGN: JrRadi
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: i have Both of them
Country: Saudi Arabia (Riyadh)
Timezone: GMT +3
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: i have played minecraft since 2010 i enjoyed it alot but once i found about ftb and mod packs i never went back to vanilla until recently
i played with ultimate, unleashed & bite of monster packs lan with my brother iam still learning my favourite mod i would say thermal expansion (Buildcraft) & IC2 .
What you think about the server switching in the future to FTB Monster: awesome upgrade with alot more mods
Average playtime a week: 10h-28h
Any extra comments: i would appreciate nice & friendly community .
  • Like
Reactions: EgG4mer
Age: 18
IGN: meshocky
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: TS prefferebly
Country: Australia
Timezone: GMT + 11
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Over 2 - 3 years FTB since mid last year, Most packs which include lots of mod. Computer Craft is probably my favourite at the moment, as im into programming.
Average playtime a week: 2-3 hours a day...
Any extra comments: Will be able to deal with the lag most likely, hopefully its bearable, just looking for a good community with a FTB pack. Am happy with any resets due to the pack updating.

Thanks for your time :)

Age: 25
IGN: JrRadi
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: i have Both of them
Country: Saudi Arabia (Riyadh)
Timezone: GMT +3
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: i have played minecraft since 2010 i enjoyed it alot but once i found about ftb and mod packs i never went back to vanilla until recently
i played with ultimate, unleashed & bite of monster packs lan with my brother iam still learning my favourite mod i would say thermal expansion (Buildcraft) & IC2 .
What you think about the server switching in the future to FTB Monster: awesome upgrade with alot more mods
Average playtime a week: 10h-28h
Any extra comments: i would appreciate nice & friendly community .

Apps are under review!
Age: 16+: 17
IGN: littlejamo1234
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Bestminecraftstuff or both
Country: England
Timezone: GMT
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Started playing minecraft 4 years ago in February, Started playing mods in 2011 with the Technic pack for 1.7.3 of which i then fell in love with playing minecraft with mods. Been playing with mods like that since then and have never stopped. Favourite mods, IC2,BC,TE,PR,AE,TE and a few hundred mod
Average playtime a week: 1-8 hours a day, so around 20-30 hours a week
Any extra comments: Hello
SKYPE:Give if accepted
MINECRAFT/MOD EXPERIENCE :I've been playing minecraft for 1.5 years now .I'm experienced with most mods but my favourites would be thaumcraft,bees,ic2,thermal expansion and mfr to name but a few.
AVERAGE PLAYTIME :Whenever possible 4 hours minimum usually two hours a day or more
EXTRA COMMENTS : I'm Irish what's not to like ?
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Age: 16+: 17
IGN: littlejamo1234
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Bestminecraftstuff or both
Country: England
Timezone: GMT
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Started playing minecraft 4 years ago in February, Started playing mods in 2011 with the Technic pack for 1.7.3 of which i then fell in love with playing minecraft with mods. Been playing with mods like that since then and have never stopped. Favourite mods, IC2,BC,TE,PR,AE,TE and a few hundred mod
Average playtime a week: 1-8 hours a day, so around 20-30 hours a week
Any extra comments: Hello

SKYPE:Give if accepted
MINECRAFT/MOD EXPERIENCE :I've been playing minecraft for 1.5 years now .I'm experienced with most mods but my favourites would be thaumcraft,bees,ic2,thermal expansion and mfr to name but a few.
AVERAGE PLAYTIME :Whenever possible 4 hours minimum usually two hours a day or more
EXTRA COMMENTS : I'm Irish what's not to like ?

Apps are under Review!
IGN: dilbert541
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype geminikat79
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Been playing for 1 year IC2 and thermal expansion.
Average playtime a week: 6 hours
Any extra comments: I am friendly and 34.
IGN: dilbert541
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype geminikat79
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Been playing for 1 year IC2 and thermal expansion.
Average playtime a week: 6 hours
Any extra comments: I am friendly and 34.

App is under review!
Age: 18
IGN: MrDeadman4
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: skype: rafalas2009
Country: Lithuania
Timezone: GMT+2
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Played on a few servers, mostly mindcrack pack. Favorite mods would be forestry and IC.
Average playtime a week: around 20h per week
Any extra comments: Not really
Age: 25
IGN: Dark_Dider
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Both (dont really use skype)
Country: England
Timezone: GTM +0
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Forestry bees and ComputerCraft
Average playtime a week:50-70 hrs a week
Any extra comments: Looking for a server that isnt down 24/7 for crashes every 5 mins due to people not knowing how to set a server up.
Age: 18
IGN: MrDeadman4
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: skype: rafalas2009
Country: Lithuania
Timezone: GMT+2
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Played on a few servers, mostly mindcrack pack. Favorite mods would be forestry and IC.
Average playtime a week: around 20h per week
Any extra comments: Not really

Age: 25
IGN: Dark_Dider
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Both (dont really use skype)
Country: England
Timezone: GTM +0
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Forestry bees and ComputerCraft
Average playtime a week:50-70 hrs a week
Any extra comments: Looking for a server that isnt down 24/7 for crashes every 5 mins due to people not knowing how to set a server up.

Apps are under review!
Age: 21
IGN: _Zari_
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype will be given if accepted
Country: US
Timezone: Gmt-5
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: I played Minecraft alot about a year ago, modded it myself and had alot of fun, then FTB came along and it was super easy and I loved it. I quit for about a year and now I'm back again and learning everything all over so much has changed but It's been alot of fun learning everything again. My favorite mods so far are Thermal Expansion and Tinkers Construct.
Average playtime a week: I work part time and go to school, but I will almost always be able to put in about 2 hours a night if not more.
Any extra comments: I'm looking for a server that's a good fit and on the monster pack. I can't wait to join and have a lot of fun with everyone.
Age: 21
IGN: _Zari_
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype will be given if accepted
Country: US
Timezone: Gmt-5
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: I played Minecraft alot about a year ago, modded it myself and had alot of fun, then FTB came along and it was super easy and I loved it. I quit for about a year and now I'm back again and learning everything all over so much has changed but It's been alot of fun learning everything again. My favorite mods so far are Thermal Expansion and Tinkers Construct.
Average playtime a week: I work part time and go to school, but I will almost always be able to put in about 2 hours a night if not more.
Any extra comments: I'm looking for a server that's a good fit and on the monster pack. I can't wait to join and have a lot of fun with everyone.

App is under review!
IGN: Tacohs.
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype: Tacohs.
Country: United States.
Timezone: Central. GMT-6
Minecraft Experience/Favorite Mods: Been playing for a couple years now. I've played on a few servers but they always go down randomly and disappear. Hopefully this one does not. My favorite mods are the technical stuff. Nothing specific really, I like messing with all the mods.
Average playtime a week: Quite a lot. I will probably be on a few hours a day most weeks.
Any extra comments: Hopefully this server lasts and doesn't disappear like every other server does. This looks like it will be a good server and it's a new mod pack for me, should be fun!
Also I do have some video editing experience and stuff. I may record but I'm not sure. Don't have the greatest upload speeds and such.