HighCraft|FTB-A-1.4.2|Whitelist|PvE| Casual/Relaxed| (̅_̅_̅(̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅()ڪ

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what's going on guy's..
for pon, a lot of things hopefully he can get it up this week or on the 24-26 but it seems real-life has gotten in the way, what pon needs to do is give the server codes to Dark or Adrian so if this happens again in could still be up(that or one of us but dark and adrian is a way better candidate), but in the mean time just try to build something in a survival world I'll show what I have gotten done when I get home. I just have been learning and doing more things with feed the beast with this down time :p My new base will be the biggest place in the game :p

either way at this point eloramm should have the new update done hopefully before new years so we may just get a whole new map by the time the server gets up

off topic I'm in school doing homework and writing this so I'll probably need to get back to that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey man, this server is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm fairly new to FTB; I just reached the "end-game" (Multiple quarries running, top level gear/enchants, solar powered.. everything) on my SSP world and I've got a much better grasp of things now. I want to start over and do things properly. I'm 24, partake in a little sativa and Joe Rogan, and I'm actually an electrician so I really like messing around with things in industrialcraft.

If you have a free spot open up on the server I'd love to join. My minecraft account is "netbent".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
did you have contact with pontus then K4b6?
No(I have not got an answer back) but having run a server before, I'm just stating what happened with my server. We had a Real-Life problem and put the server second (which caused people to leave) Just give it some time and pon will come and tell us what really happened. by guessing it is/was probably just exam week/s for pon so lets just wait it out and see what pon wants to do that is the best option for us right now and hopefully I can get in contact with pon this week...

The red power thing is just a guess of what pon will do because most if not all of us will want redpower when it comes out :p

and yes I have contacted pon about all of this so don't you guys go do it again If I get any information back I will make a quote of what he said right here so just hang tight for a few more days and hopefully this will get better


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No(I have not got an answer back) but having run a server before, I'm just stating what happened with my server. We had a Real-Life problem and put the server second (which caused people to leave) Just give it some time and pon will come and tell us what really happened. by guessing it is/was probably just exam week/s for pon so lets just wait it out and see what pon wants to do that is the best option for us right now and hopefully I can get in contact with pon this week...

The red power thing is just a guess of what pon will do because most if not all of us will want redpower when it comes out :p

and yes I have contacted pon about all of this so don't you guys go do it again If I get any information back I will make a quote of what he said right here so just hang tight for a few more days and hopefully this will get better

Here Is the Latest update from pon this is exactly what he said :D

Hey man, while I've been busy IRL it's mainly an issue with creeperhost.net

I purchased enhanced support in order to get enough help to manage the server while I was too busy. But a few days after the payment had been processed I was refused help with my tickets.

The reason being that I had made "too many" tickets. That prick then told me I should just go Google the issue.

That's just a bunch of bullshit though as I've only been using things supported and provided by them. And still I've had a lot more crashes than fragnet.net which is another server provider that I've tried before.

TLDR, My support guy at creeperhost is a cunt and won't provide the stated support. So I don't have time to deal with errors and management without that needed backup (there's a story behind that as well lol)

The last server crash was caused by a mod glitch. If anyone is willing to moderate the server and the likes they could drop me a message.

I will be quite content with just playing on the server and helping out with management if things get too overwhelming.

That's about it I think ;P

Take care K4!
So if one of you have time to moderate the server send pon a message, I have all hours open during Holiday Break except 11pm-5am USA Central Time if you guys have some time periods in between those numbers we can work together at keeping it up, I won't send pon a message until thursday(when Break starts)or if I know we can keep the server up and running for at least 16 hours(because of time differences that sound reasonable)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i would like to help but i've never ran a server.. sorry[DOUBLEPOST=1355818883][/DOUBLEPOST]hi guy's i seen the server is back on, just 1 minor detail instability is active again, just a heads up


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i would like to help but i've never ran a server.. sorry[DOUBLEPOST=1355818883][/DOUBLEPOST]hi guy's i seen the server is back on, just 1 minor detail instability is active again, just a heads up

I've brought the server online but with the sacrifice of disabling portal and advanced machines.

As FTB is still in beta there are mods that are unfixable atm

That was from pon

about running the server pon just needs us to manage it mainly means he needs us to restock the shop or restart the server if there is a crash
both of those seems easy to do if your up to it since we both are on a lot it will be hard for the server to crash with out us knowing :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
true but as stated before i never ran a server,, so it's hard to do that stuff? else we both could do that,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi my name is Sacha i'm 15 years old i'm from belgium.
Why i'm interested in this server is: It looks a great server to join and play on a good server respecting the amount of mods and the chill folks in there
My IGN: brulex13 if u want to add me on skype my name is sacha vlaeminck
I'm experienced with the mods and would like to share it with this community so hope u guys invite/whitelist me to your server
Yours sincerely, Sacha


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i asked pontus if i could join him and he answerd that he's having issues with creeperhost but he'll try to resolve them asap
Edit : Sacha just saw your post i'm from belgium to maybe we can play together :)
grts ceten


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well hi there, my Ign its know as SundayMorning5, but me friends call me Bama :3.
I'm 20 years of age, an been playing minecraft for about a year an a half now? It seems like Alot longer than that though xp.
I'm actually pretty new to feed the beast, though i am familiar with some of the mods though IC2, an random servers hosted by buddies.
Just let me know if yall have a spot for me here an ill join an give this turn on minecraft a whirl :p


Pontus Lundh

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys I'm so sorry for being inactive and not letting you in on what's crackin

Like K4 explained, I've had some annoying business to take care of and I'm thankful for K4's loyalty and the help he's been providing :)

Here's a little sample of what I've been dealing with when I need server support:

(Luke and Paul are employees of Creeper Host in England which is where the server is located.)
(Luke being the guy I turn to for help.)

The reason for me not replying to this thread is simply that I never received any notifications about the posts via email. It all caught my attention when people started sending PM's as they do sent me notifications :)

Anyway, to all the people that have made applications. I've accepted all of you seeing as the server has been offline for several days and it's more than likely that some players have lost interest. I'd like to thank you for your applications, some were a neat little read whilst others are quite impressive ;)

I won't drag this post out too long as I want to add the current whitelist members to the bottom of this post. I will add the whitelist names to the front post as well. Please note that some of these players are no longer active and will be removed accordingly :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm okay with me and k4 run the server for now, if k4 wants to
Sorry About that was asleep no it should not be hard at all we just have to closed down there server and open it back up if it crashes (I will check the crash log because I can tell where the problem came from being a modder it has kind of grown on me :p) and we empty out the chests in the shop with FIRE!! jk but really just empty out the shop chest while things get resolved

random talk about the server and Paul


Long White list

Paul seems like a nice guy hopfully he can/has help the server out on these bugs..

Pontus Lundh

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i'm okay with that if u still need us pontus

Yeah sure, I told K4 that I will be looking for anyone interested in managing the server within the coming days. I obviously have to make sure those who want to also are able to handle the problems they'll face :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If U take both of us we can help you out, I'm online alot so, and he can solve the problems, oh btw 1 minor detail, mystcradt blew up my worlds :(