I'm a 54.9 year old far... man, relative noob to Minecraft (purchased last week). I say a relative noob because I played with it several years ago before even creepers were added and it was a free download.
I just rediscovered MC after having found and purchased MCPE for my Nook HD+ e-reader. After seeing several video series, mainly the xbox "Let's Play" series from Rooster Teeth but found FTB watching Coestar and Avidya's series, PaulSoaresJr and now VintageBeef on YouTube I was hooked
I've been reading the forums here for a week to get a feel for the community... Looks like a fun bunch so far. Hope to be able to post meaningful stuff soon.
I just rediscovered MC after having found and purchased MCPE for my Nook HD+ e-reader. After seeing several video series, mainly the xbox "Let's Play" series from Rooster Teeth but found FTB watching Coestar and Avidya's series, PaulSoaresJr and now VintageBeef on YouTube I was hooked
I've been reading the forums here for a week to get a feel for the community... Looks like a fun bunch so far. Hope to be able to post meaningful stuff soon.