Help with what I should do?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm still new to mod packs (I usually never play more than one or two mods at a time) and so I'm overwhelmed. I got myself started with a macerator, extractor, some generators, and batboxes to prevent as much power loss as possible. I've even got my quarry set up with pipes to deliver the resources to a chest and I do plan to make an automatic sorting system with the diamond pipes like I did on tekkit/technic.

But I'm so lost as what I should do other than that. Any ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Watch some youtube videos specific to FTB to get ideas. There's a whole slew of them. It's really going to depend on what you want to do. Visit other dimensions with MystCraft, program some turtles with ComputerCraft, build farms that automate the planting and harvesting of crops, etc... There's a whole bunch of stuff to do.

Jason Betts

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I enjoyed things in my (only in my head) logical order:
1) basic workshop
2) Peat Farm / Tree Farm
3) Boiler (BC power)
4) Gates and automation for my Boiler (yay no more babysitting)
5) MystCraft exploration (looking for crystals)
6) IC2 power gen (Geo system @ 240 Eu/t)
7) HovelDepot (fully automated chests for basic materials such as stone, glass, stone bricks and wood planks)
8) Finished Automation on Tree/Peat (created buffer chests of raw materials, etc)
9) Upgrade #1 to workshop (advanced machines)
10) Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine... (needed diamonds) :)
11) Recycler / MassFab setup and automation (enderchests ftw)
12) Quarry
13) Rebuild entire workshop after blowing it up big time after attempting to isolate Massfab onto its own Adv. Hybrid Solar
14) Added Adv. Hybrid Solar
15) rebuild workshop again (I'm really compact, and shouldn't do 512/128/32 wiring combos with 2hrs sleep)
16) Eliminate the GregTech Transposers I was using, they blow up BIG
17) Automate recycler system
... more to come

Jason Betts

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
18) Grav / Quantum Suit
18-a) Did a canon ball run... Dense ores FTW :)
19) Futz with Villagers and filled my workshop with them with a derpa moment, then they all killed themselves with another.
20) Beekeeping breeding a pure strain of imperial and industrial, (9 of each now), full automation on aviary side once I had that (tried before, but luck kept corrupting my strains).
21) Expanded recycler system to make slabs of any wood/cobble that comes into the system (each stack of cobble turns into 2 stacks of junk and each stack of wood turns into 12 stacks of junk for the recycler)... used electrical engines (what fun) and put in a variety of shutoff conditions and a master shutoff (one switch turns it all off, and once enderchest fills quarry will turn off too with a bit of possible waste on that side).
22) Made all the portal discs.. I love that song
23) Built a couple Alvearies and am currently looking for an ideal tropical strain (Fast-Long-Nocturnal?) (hell trying to figure out what is ideal)

I basically just set goals.. and then stay focused on those goals until I accomplished something. Currently I'm working on a fully automated sorting/processing system, and have found the glorious-ness of Factorization Routers and barrels! So I've figured out the mass storage side of the processing system, now just gotta fill in the middle to finish.

Other goals
-re-code the crude mining script that I have so I can just let a turtle loose on a dense ores world and count the diamonds back at base.
-figure out what the hell to do with all my UU matter... I have a couple diamond chests full now :)

Go Nuclear :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My next objective, after I finish my rail system to the village (for no other purpose than I want to), I'm gonna start giving some thought to an XP farm to keep my enchantments up.