


So a year ago my niece says she wants this game "Minecraft" for Christmas. I normally play single player RPG's. With work and all, not much time for anything but maybe a big hit for the year. Anyways, she gets the game on PS4 and "Auntie" gets to teach her to play. Bad mistake, I got into it. Decent start on PS4, but realized what more can I do. Looked online. Amazing to say, I might be late in life but this is turning out to be the exact game to unwind to after a long day of work.

So my apologies for being a "casual" gamer. But I like to game, at my own pace. Played on PS4 for a year and now checking out Direwolf20.

Hope my story doesn't bore anyone, but I am just looking for someone to chat with. Like back in the day, before the Internet, when your friends were all you had to figure out what you needed to next in the game!
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Jan 29, 2015
*waves* Howdy!

I also got into Minecraft thanks to console - I started off playing the demo way back then on the XBox 360, and found it such an engaging experience that I bought it! My route into the world of modded Minecraft was then via the Yogscast - I saw their xbox series (very short), then their PC series (which really sucked me in), and then discovered Tekkit, courtesy of a member called Lalna. The thought of magical mods where items could be turned into energy and vice versa, quarries that would dig up the land while you watched, and nuclear reactors which - if not looked after properly - could leave you with a lava-filled crater, just fascinated me! :D I soon got into it, and never looked back - especially after discovering Direwolf20 and his awesome mod spotlights, Let's Plays, and multiplayer series.